•  91
    General and Familiar Trust in Websites
    with Coye Cheshire, Judd Antin, and Elizabeth Churchill
    Knowledge, Technology & Policy 23 (3): 311-331. 2010.
    When people rely on the web to gather and distribute information, they can build a sense of trust in the websites with which they interact. Understanding the correlates of trust in most websites (general website trust) and trust in websites that one frequently visits (familiar website trust) is crucial for constructing better models of risk perception and online behavior. We conducted an online survey of active Internet users and examined the associations between the two types of web trust and s…Read more
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    The Emergence of Trust Networks under Uncertainty – Implications for Internet Interactions
    with Coye Cheshire
    Analyse & Kritik 26 (1): 220-240. 2004.
    Computer-mediated interaction on the Internet provides new opportunities to examine the links between reputation, risk, and the development of trust between individuals who engage in various types of exchange. In this article, we comment on the application of experimental sociological research to different types of computer-mediated social interactions, with particular attention to the emergence of what we call ‘trust networks’ (networks of those one views as trustworthy). Drawing on the existin…Read more
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    Cooperation without Law or Trust [2005]
    with Russell Hardin and Margaret Levi
    In Craig J. Calhoun (ed.), Contemporary sociological theory, Blackwell. pp. 2--125. 2007.
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    1.1 Public, Relational and Organizational Trust in Economic Affairs1
    with Oliver Schilke
    Common Knowledge: The Challenge of Transdisciplinarity. forthcoming.
  • The health care outcomes of trust: a review of empirical evidence (review)
    with Irena Stepanikova
    In Julie Brownlie, Alexandra Greene & Alexandra Howson (eds.), Researching trust and health, Routledge. pp. 194. 2008.