•  28
    Regulating Academic Pressure: From Fast to Slow
    with Kathleen Coessens, Nigel Vinckier, and Jean Paul van Bendegem
    Journal of Philosophy of Education 54 (5): 1419-1442. 2020.
    Journal of Philosophy of Education, EarlyView.
  •  22
    The development of the philosophy of science in the twentieth century has created a framework where issues concerning funding dynamics can be easily accommodated. It combines the historical-philosophical approach of Thomas Kuhn. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, [1962] ) with the sociological approach of Robert K. Merton The sociology of science. Theoretical and empirical investigations. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, pp 267–278, [1942] ), linking the ‘exact’ sciences to econo…Read more
  •  12
    This chapter looks at the impact of recent societal approaches of knowledge and science from the perspectives of two rather distant educational domains, mathematics and music. Science’s attempt at ‘self-understanding’ has led to a set of control mechanisms, either generating ‘closure’—the scientists’ non-involvement in society—or ‘economisation’, producing patents and other lucrative benefits. While scientometrics became the tool and the rule for measuring the economic impact of science, counter…Read more
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    Foundations of Science 18 (2): 337-342. 2013.
    In this comment I want to clarify five topics. The first topic concerns the importance of looking back at the very principles of the foundations of Western society. The second comment argues for the original position of Latour within the field of (social) constructivism. In the third comment, I argue that Haraway adds to the science-politics discussion by elaborating her philosophy beyond dichotomy. In the fourth comment, I argue that the terms ‘objective’ and ‘rational’ are central philosophica…Read more
  • Durf te denken. Denken over moraal en actuele maatschappelijke thema's
    Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 59 (2): 376-376. 1997.
  • Recensies-Gert goeminne, politiek Van de wiskunde
    Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 102 (1). 2010.
  • Ethnomathematics as a Human Right
    Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal 26. 2011.
  •  19
    The Interplay of Psychology and Mathematics Education: From the Attraction of Psychology to the Discovery of the Social
    with Kathleen Coessens and Jean van BendegemPaul
    Journal of Philosophy of Education 46 (3): 370-385. 2012.
    It is a rather safe statement to claim that the social dimensions of the scientific process are accepted in a fair share of studies in the philosophy of science. It is a somewhat safe statement to claim that the social dimensions are now seen as an essential element in the understanding of what human cognition is and how it functions. But it would be a rather unsafe statement to claim that the social is fully accepted in the philosophy of mathematics. And we are not quite sure what kind of state…Read more
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    In-Between Science and Politics
    Foundations of Science 16 (2-3): 161-171. 2011.
    This paper gives a philosophical outline of the initial foundations of politics as presented in the work of Plato and argues why this traditional philosophical approach can no longer serve as the foundation of politics. The argumentation is mainly based on the work of Latour (1993, 1997, 1999a, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008) and consists of five parts. In the first section I elaborate on the initial categorization of politics and science as represented by Plato in his Republic. In the second section I …Read more
  •  41
    It is a rather safe statement to claim that the social dimensions of the scientific process are accepted in a fair share of studies in the philosophy of science. It is a somewhat safe statement to claim that the social dimensions are now seen as an essential element in the understanding of what human cognition is and how it functions. But it would be a rather unsafe statement to claim that the social is fully accepted in the philosophy of mathematics. And we are not quite sure what kind of state…Read more
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    Convergences between Radical Constructivism and Critical Learning Theory
    Constructivist Foundations 9 (3): 377-379. 2014.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Examining the Role of Re-Presentation in Mathematical Problem Solving: An Application of Ernst von Glasersfeld’s Conceptual Analysis” by Victor V. Cifarelli & Volkan Sevim. Upshot: The value of Cifarelli & Sevim’s target article lies in the analysis of how reflective abstraction contributes to the description of mathematical learning through problem solving. The additional value of the article lies in its emphasis of some aspects of the learning process that …Read more