•  138
    with Suzi Adams
    Thesis Eleven 86 (1): 3-5. 2006.
  •  22
    Reviews (review)
    with Trevor Hogan, Rowan Ireland, Jason Pudsey, Jeremy Smith, Dimitri Morakhovski, Darrell Bennetts, David Roberts, Willem Assies, and Deborah Keys
    Thesis Eleven 71 (1): 106-146. 2002.
  • Reviews (review)
    Thesis Eleven 65 (1): 162-167. 2001.
  •  5
    The Constitution of Modernity: A Critique of Castoriadis
    European Journal of Social Theory 12 (4): 505-521. 2009.
    Every theory of modernity must at least presuppose an implicit ontology of the social-historical. Castoriadis is one of the few who makes these presuppositions explicit. Castoriadis’s socio-cultural ontology reveals that the essentially indeterminate nature of the social-historical entails ontological plurality, in the face of which monological or unilinear theories of modernity collapse — leaving us with a fragmented field of tensions. Castoriadis’s exposition of the ontological plurality of th…Read more
  •  13
    'Deep engagement' and disengaged reason
    Australian Journal of Anthropology 22 (1). 2011.
    This study applies Charles Taylor's theory of disengaged reasoning to the 'malaise of modernity' and how it relates to religious belief. The relationship between disengaged and engaged modes of being are examined.
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    Castoriadis: Psyche, Society, Autonomy (review)
    Thesis Eleven 108 (1): 136-140. 2012.
  • Reviews (review)
    Thesis Eleven 65 (1): 162-167. 2001.
  • Reviews (review)
    Thesis Eleven 62 (1): 142-148. 2000.
  •  7
    Reviews (review)
    Thesis Eleven 65 (1): 162-167. 2001.
  •  139
    Introduction: Charles Taylor
    Thesis Eleven 99 (1): 3-6. 2009.
  •  24
    Reviews (review)
    Thesis Eleven 74 (1): 120-126. 2003.
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    Introduction: Orders and Borders
    Thesis Eleven 91 (1): 3-5. 2007.
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    Religion and the Project of Autonomy
    Thesis Eleven 91 (1): 27-47. 2007.
    Despite his own observations that autonomy is never complete, never once-and-for-all — in short, that autonomy is always relatively more-or-less; or rather, human subjects, institutions and societies can only ever be more-or-less autonomous, and thus more-or-less heteronomous — Castoriadis nevertheless polarizes autonomy and heteronomy. From the polarized perspective, then, he maintains that religion is intrinsically heteronomous, and thus intrinsically antithetical to the project of autonomy. B…Read more
  • Book review: Charles Taylor (review)
    Thesis Eleven 71 (1). 2002.
  •  35
    Meaning and Porous Being
    Thesis Eleven 99 (1): 7-26. 2009.
    In A Secular Age, Taylor introduces the idea of porous subjectivity by way of elucidating the mode of being typical of the enchanted pre-modern world, and juxtaposes it to the buffered self typical of the disenchanted modern world. The framing of the problem in this way, with the argument so clearly oriented as an attack on the latter position, risks a polarization that defaults to the former as the preferred option. These, though, are not our only choices. There is much to recommend Taylor’s no…Read more
  •  26
    Re-Imagining Castoriadis’s Psychic Monad
    Thesis Eleven 83 (1): 5-14. 2005.
    Castoriadis portrays the psyche in its originary state as a ‘psychic monad’ - an infantile psyche that experiences itself as omnipotent, omnipresent, undifferentiated and sufficient unto itself. According to Castoriadis, this totality is fragmented in a ‘triadic phase’ through the experience of desire, which brings to the fore the encounter with the Other. In contrast, Marcel Gauchet rejects the concept of the psychic monad, arguing that the unformed psyche enters the world with a primordial ope…Read more
  •  31
    Further towards a Sociology of Evil
    Thesis Eleven 79 (1): 65-74. 2004.
    Alexander’s invitation to a sociology of evil begins from the premise that the social sciences have long neglected direct analyses of evil. They have focused instead on questions of the good and treated its other as an absence or residual category. His most direct foray into this field must be read against his strong program in cultural sociology and his more concrete analysis of the development of narratives of the Holocaust as a moral ‘trauma drama’. I argue that the analytic frame Alexander c…Read more
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    This book grapples with these perennial questions, primarily through a dialogue with Cornelius Castoriadis and Charles Taylor, using an interdisciplinary ...