• Moral Realism: From Metaphysics to Ethics as Action
    Dissertation, Vanderbilt University. 1998.
    The focus of this project, Moral Realism: From Metaphysics To Ethics As Action, is to show that the effort to ground ethics in metaphysics is profoundly misguided. Various accounts of moral realism are discussed as leading examples of the effort to support the authority of ethics by means of metaphysical realism. These views require adherance both to the theses of globalism and precision which jointly imply the construction of ethics as system of thought split between the first-order and second-…Read more
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    The humanism of Sartre: Toward a psychology of dignity
    with John Iuculano
    Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 16 (1): 19-29. 1996.
    Discusses the significance of the concept of dignity for psychology. The article is grounded in the writings of E. Husserl and the humanism of Sartre and examines the humanistic position underlying psychology with that of positivism and determinism. Through an examination of Sartre's formulation of the cogito and intersubjectivity, the authors argue that humanism more than any other orientation current in psychology is concerned with the human status of the individual and the recognition of dign…Read more