•  24
    De tragedie van Mill
    Wijsgerig Perspectief 45 (4): 27-37. 2005.
  •  23
    The Banality of Evil and the Meaning of Punishment
    Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 78 (4): 863-889. 2016.
    In her book Eichmann in Jerusalem Hannah Arendt argued that Adolf Eichmann did not fulfill a necessary condition for punishment: he did not have an “intent to do wrong‘. Eichmann wanted to be a law abiding citizen. Thus he was able to commit terrible acts that, according to the laws of Nazi Germany, were not crimes. Because of his inability to think, Eichmann never realized what he was doing. This is what Arendt called the banality of evil. Yet she was of the opinion that Eichmann deserved to be…Read more
  •  7
    De rampzalige invloed van Ronald Dworkin op het Nederlandse euthanasierecht
    Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 49 (1): 95-103. 2020.
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    Bert van Roermund, Zwarte Socrates. Gesprekken over recht, tijd en verzoening
    Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 49 (1): 104-107. 2020.
  • Wie zijn wij?
    Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 1 3-7. 2005.
  • Boekbesprekingen - Strafrechtelijke rechtsvordenng (review)
    Filosofie En Praktijk 19 162-162. 1998.
  • Judith Leest, Een redelijk ritueel. Bemiddeling tussen strafrecht en leefwereld (review)
    Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 37 (1): 97-101. 2008.
  • In her book Eichmann in Jerusalem Hannah Arendt concluded that the Eichmann trial taught us the lesson of the ‘fearsome, word-and-thought-defying banality of evil’. Arendt explained the concept of banality as thoughtlessness: Eichmann did not realize what he was doing when he planned and executed the Final Solution of the Jewish Question in Nazi Germany. In this article Arendt’s analysis of Eichmann’s evil is criticized from an internal perspective: the conclusion that Eichmann was thoughtless c…Read more
  • John Stuart Mill. A Biography (review)
    Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 1 117-120. 2005.
  • De droom van Beccaria: Over het strafrecht en de nodale veiligheidszorg
    Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 39 (2): 158-175. 2010.
    Les Johnston and Clifford Shearing argue in their book, Governing Security, that the state has lost its monopoly on the governance of security. Private security arrangements have formed a networked governance of security in which the criminal law of the state is just one of the many knots or ‘nodes’ of the security network. Johnston and Shearing consider On Crimes and Punishment, written by Cesare Beccaria in the 18th century, as the most important statement of the classical security program whi…Read more
  • Slapende rechters, dwalende rechtspsychologen en het hypothetische karakter van feitelijke oordelen
    Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 39 (1): 35-51. 2010.
    In their book De slapende rechter Dutch legal psychologists W.A. Wagenaar, H. Israëls and P.J. van Koppen claim that Dutch judges wrongfully convict suspects in certain cases because these judges generally fail to understand the way hypothetical reasoning works in relation to empirical evidence. This article argues that Wagenaar, Israëls and Van Koppen are basically right in their claim that reasoning on evidence in criminal cases should have the form of hypothetical reasoning. However, they fai…Read more