Kumiko Yoshitake

Tokyo Women's Medical University
  •  22
    The Ethical Action Principle in Decision-Making
    Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 5 75-83. 2008.
    Decision-making adhering to the “principle of autonomy" takes place within the wider context of decision-making processes in modern society. Within the medical area, as regards the decision through informed consent, the patient's intention assumes vital importance. The principle of autonomy is derived from the modern thought that the essence of human being is the reason. It becomes difficult, however, to rely on decision-making based on the principle of autonomy when a person’s intention is not …Read more
  •  12
    In consensus building process in medicine, it is said that it is crucial for its participants to understand why each stakeholder, patient, his/her family, physician, nurse, etc., in decision-making has his/her own opinion. In order to understand this condition more deeply, I develop the notion of “reason of opinion” to characterize the process as “prospective consensus building.” This prospective consensus building should satisfy the requirements of having “history of reason” and “list of risks.…Read more