Lamartine De Hollanda Cavalcanti Neto

Instituto Filosófico Aristotélico Tomista
  •  8173
    Temas de Psicologia Tomista
    Instituto Lumen Sapientiae. 2017.
    This book is a collection of papers presented at conferences by the author on topics related to Thomistic Psychology. Although not being a systematic exposition of it, its reading provides a comprehensive view of the psychological approach derived from the Works of St. Thomas Aquinas, complemented by the specific developments of each subject treated. Topics such as the process of human knowledge, emotions, the formation of opinions, certainties and decisions, the constitution of ethos and its p…Read more
  •  5024
    Contribuições da Psicologia Tomista ao estudo da plasticidade do ethos
    Dissertation, Centro Universitário São Camilo. 2012.
    CAVALCANTI NETO, Lamartine de Hollanda. Contributions of Thomistic Psychology to the study of the plasticity of the ethos. 2012. 571s. Thesis (Doctorate in Bioethics) – Centro Universitário São Camilo, São Paulo,2012. If Ethics is not a static science, it is because ethos — its basic object of study — is a mutable reality. For this reason, ethical themes, chiefly those of Bioethics, are directly related to the study of the plasticity of the ethos. Nevertheless, such investigation requires tha…Read more
  •  2482
    Taking as an assumption the existence of an informatics revolution nowadays and that the examination of studies and debates related to it may allow the identification of questions of a philosophical nature, the present study aims to identify and formulate some of these questions, as well as to investigate whether the historical controversy about monopsychism, which occurred at the University of Paris in 1270, can be considered a theoretical framework capable of providing contributions to t…Read more
  •  1338
    This book aims to examine the contributions that beauty (pulchrum in Latin) can offer to the educational activity, focusing on the subject from the point of view of Thomistic Psychology. For this, comes to answering some previous criterial and methodological objections to recall thereafter the main points of that psychological conception. The book presents what this conception understands as human powers, their interaction and dynamism, the role of emotions in the latter, and the processes arisi…Read more
  •  1296
    Pessoa, ética e educação sob o enfoque tomista
    Instituto Lumen Sapientiae. 2011.
    This book offers an analysis of the different concepts of person adopted in educational strategies, their effects on learning, and the contributions of the Thomistic approach on the issue.
  •  623
    "The plasticity of ethos is an interdisciplinary topic that, due to the lack of studies related directly to the subject, still appears to be in its phase of methodological definition. This article attempts to summarize our research on the possibility of considering Thomistic Psychology as a valid study tool for the aforementioned theme, as well as some of the contributions it can offer to the study itself. It summarizes a broader work that we presented in the form of a doctoral thesis in Bioethi…Read more
  •  510
    Psicologia geral sob o enfoque tomista (edited book)
    Instituto Lumen Sapientiae. 2010.
    This book presents a course in General Psychology which offers, in a synthetic form, a general vision of contemporary Psychology, added by contributions that the Thomistic Psychology provides. Develops the basic concepts of psychological science, its study methodology, its historical evolution, the role of biological, psychological and social components that influence the behavior, beyond the study of psychopathology and therapy, comparing them always with the Thomistic approach.
  •  345
    Contribuciones tomistas al estudio de las emociones y algunos de sus corolarios éticos
    Revista Latinoamericana de Bioética 11 (2): 118-129. 2011.
    El presente estudio ofrece, desde una perspectiva teórica, una breve visión de conjunto de la concepción tomista sobre las emociones, su encaje en el ciclo de la vida consciente, su génesis, su clasificación, su encadenamiento y su dinamismo. Desarrolla consideraciones sobre las contribuciones que este referencial teórico puede aportar al estudio de las emociones y deduce algunos de sus principales corolarios éticos.
  •  14
    Aportes da psicologia tomista ao estudo da atenção
    Lumen Veritatis 2 (7): 83-96. 2009.
    This article presents contributions of Thomistic Psychology to the study of attention, understood as a fruit of the interaction of the powers of man, especially the intelligence and the will. Its goal is to contribute to the debate and development of this theme, in view of the controversies and/or lacunas which it arouses. It concludes by presenting practical strategies for perfecting the governance of this important human faculty.