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    The Economics Of Prohibition
    Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 9 (1): 181-186. 1999.
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    The Political Economy of Lighthouses: Some Further Considerations
    Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 20 (2): 143-165. 2014.
    Lighthouse and the Trinity House case have triggered extensive debate on the possibility of private production of public goods and, more especially, lighthouse services provision. This contribution sums up current academic debate about lighthouse provision. It shows that the English system of lighthouse services provision cannot be rigorously considered as an example of private provision. Some historical experiences have shown that private provision was possible, although governmental hindrances…Read more
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    An important literature exists on bureaucracy. It deals with economic and political consequences. Many scholars analysed these particular organizations and different schools of thought provided their own interpretation of bureaucratic phenomena. Mises’ theory of bureaucracy is known as being an important contribution from the Austrian economics school. However, the political dimension of his works on bureaucracy is less known. This article proposes an analysis of such a dimension.
  • The private provision of road services and road privatisation has been extensively studied and has generated numerous debates among scholars. Block and Tullock exchanged on the possibility of having a completely privatised road system. Tullock defends the idea such a system is not viable, whereas Block shows a free market for road provision can be easily conceived.This article proposes a re-examination of this debate and defends a pragmatic and realist approach. Although it shares Block’s conclu…Read more
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    The Case for Road Privatization: a Defense by Restitution
    Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 13 (1). 2003.
    Many contributions explained in details the various benefits from private roads. Not only they stressed the possibility of such system, but also the functioning through different historical experiences. However, they put aside an important question: how should we proceed concretely in order to privatize the road network? Our contribution tries to answer this question. It explains the consequences of a public provision and its differences with a free market order. It defines the true meaning of t…Read more