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    SQFT: An Autonomous Explanation of the Interactions of Quantum Particles
    with K. -H. Rehren, C. Gass, J. M. Gracia-Bondía, B. Schroer, and J. C. Várilly
    Foundations of Physics 54 (4): 1-25. 2024.
    Successful applications of a conceptually novel setup of Quantum Field Theory, that accounts for all subtheories of the Standard Model (QED, Electroweak Interaction and Higgs, Yang–Mills and QCD) and beyond (Helicity 2), call for a perspective view in a broader conceptual context. The setting is “autonomous” in the sense of being intrinsically quantum. Its principles are: Hilbert space, Poincaré symmetry and causality. Its free quantum fields are obtained from Wigner’s unitary representations of…Read more
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    EDITORIAL Dossier: I Paraná Meeting of Studies on Heidegger (Toledo – Unioeste, 2019)
    with Guilherme José Santini
    Aoristo - International Journal of Phenomenology, Hermeneutics and Metaphysics 2 (2): 5-8. 2019.
    Editorial Inglês.
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    Dossiê: I Encontro Paranaense de Estudos sobre Heidegger (Toledo – Unioeste, 2019)
    with Guilherme José Santini
    Aoristo - International Journal of Phenomenology, Hermeneutics and Metaphysics 2 (2): 1-186. 2019.
    publicação do quarto número de Aoristo – International Journal of Phenomenology, Hermeneutics and Metaphysics compraz à equipe editorial e ao grupo de pesquisa em Fenomenologia, Hermenêutica e Metafísica3, da UNIOESTE, em que as raízes de nossa revista agora encontram solo cuidado por grupo fixo de colaboradores. Por meio desta nova edição, reafirma-se o propósito de acolher, difundir e colaborar com o incremento da produção filosófica de autores nacionais e internacionais, afiliados a seu campo…Read more
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    EDITORIAL Dossiê: I Encontro Paranaense de Estudos sobre Heidegger (Toledo – Unioeste, 2019)
    with Guilherme José Santini
    Aoristo - International Journal of Phenomenology, Hermeneutics and Metaphysics 2 (2): 1-4. 2019.
    I Encontro Paranaense de Estudos sobre Heidegger (Toledo – Unioeste, 2019)