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    The Real Problem with Evolutionary Debunking Arguments
    Philosophical Quarterly 67 (268): 508-33. 2017.
    There is a substantial literature on evolutionary debunking arguments (EDAs) in metaethics. According to these arguments, evolutionary explanations of our moral beliefs pose a significant problem for moral realism, specifically by committing the realist to an unattractive pessimism about the prospects of our having moral knowledge. In this paper, I argue that EDAs exploit an equivocation between two distinct readings of their central claim. One is plausibly true but has no epistemic relevance, a…Read more
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    Many people accept, at least implicitly, what I call the asymmetry claim: the view that moral realism is more defensible than aesthetic realism. This article challenges the asymmetry claim. I argue that it is surprisingly hard to find points of contrast between the two domains that could justify their very different treatment with respect to realism. I consider five potentially promising ways to do this, and I argue that all of them fail. If I am right, those who accept the asymmetry claim have …Read more
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    The Reality of (Non‐Aesthetic) Artistic Value
    Philosophical Quarterly 63 (252): 492-508. 2013.
    It has become increasingly common for philosophers to make use of the concept of artistic value, and, further, to distinguish artistic value from aesthetic value. In a recent paper, ‘The Myth of (Non-Aesthetic) Artistic Value’, Dominic Lopes takes issue with this, presenting a kind of corrective to current philosophical practice regarding the use of the concept of artistic value. Here I am concerned to defend current practice against Lopes's attack. I argue that there is some unclarity as to wha…Read more
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    Artistic Value is Attributive Goodness
    Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 75 (4): 415-427. 2017.
    It is common to distinguish between attributive and predicative goodness. There are good reasons to think that artistic value is a kind of attributive goodness. Surprisingly, however, much debate in philosophical aesthetics has proceeded as though artistic value is a kind of predicative goodness. As I shall argue, recognising that artistic value is attributive goodness has important consequences for a number of debates in aesthetics.
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    Is concrete poetry literature?
    Midwest Studies in Philosophy 33 (1): 78-106. 2009.
    No Abstract
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    Conceptual Art and the Acquaintance Principle
    Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 73 (3): 247-258. 2015.
    The Acquaintance Principle has been the subject of extensive debate in philosophical aesthetics. In one of the most recent developments, it has become popular to claim that some works of conceptual art are counterexamples to it. It is further claimed that this is a genuinely new problem in the sense that it is a problem even for versions of the Acquaintance Principle modified to deal with previous objections. I argue that this is essentially correct; however, the claim as it stands needs some wo…Read more
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    Philosophy and Conceptual Art (review)
    British Journal of Aesthetics 48 (2): 229-231. 2008.