1Kant versus Forster: um diálogo tenso sobre investigação da naturezaKant E-Prints 19 1-21. 2024.Following a line of discussion opened up by Patricia Kauark-Leite in her text Sobre a pluralidade de naturezas: Kant em diálogo com Forster, in this article we aim to delve into one of the points of the tense discussion between Kant (philosophy) and Forster (science) in the 18th century, namely: the right of an investigator of nature to use teleological principles when he lacks the resources via theory to advance knowledge. To this end, we seek to emphasize the terms used by Kant in On the Use o…Read more
Luhan G. Alves
Instituto de Ensino Superior Em Psicologia E Educação
Instituto de Ensino Superior Em Psicologia E EducaçãoRegular Faculty (Part-time)
Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil
Areas of Specialization
Metaphysics and Epistemology |
General Philosophy of Science |
17th/18th Century Philosophy |