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    Book Review of "Trinity in Relation: Creation, Incarnation, and Grace in an Evolving Cosmos" by Gloria L. Schaab
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    American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 220
    with Jeffrey L. Nicholas, Nalin Ranasinghe, Rohnn B. Sanderson, and José Filipe Silva
    American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 87 (1). 2013.
    Books Received listing for: American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly: Journal of the American Catholic Philosophical Association. Winter2013, Vol. 87 Issue 1, p219-220. 2p.
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    Joseph A. Bracken, S.J,. is one of the more significant North American theologians of the past 40 years. With 12 monographs, two edited or co-edited volumes, over 150 articles, numerous professional and popular conference presentations and media appearances, he is one of the foremost interlocutors in contemporary theological discourse. Having developed and consistently defended a comprehensive and intellectually rigorous worldview that combines the modern and classical Christian worldviews, Brac…Read more
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    Beyond naïveté: ethics, economics, and values
    University Press of America. 2012.
    This book discusses theories in economics and ethics to help the reader understand all points of view regarding the crossroads between economic systems and individual and social values. Easily accessible to non-specialists, the book also provides numerous insights for specialists in economics, philosophical ethics, or both.
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    Not with a Ten-Foot Pole?
    Process Studies 50 (1): 45-66. 2021.
    This article brings together Alfred North Whitehead and Śaṅkara, the eminent eighth-century teacher of Advaita Vedanta, in a dialogue on causation. After arguing that comparative philosophical encounter is possible, the article investigates how Whitehead might benefit Śaṅkara in his critique of the Buddhist doctrine of momentariness and how Śaṅkara may assist Whitehead in responding to criticisms of his own doctrine of causation and his critique of Hume.
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    Process metaphysics is frequently minimized or dismissed as a result of a failure to grasp its genuine significance. Developments of the last several centuries in philosophy, science, and physics fostered a revolution in metaphysics. This book surveys the reasons for process philosophy and theology, its genesis and historical development. It considers Alfred Whitehead's metaphysics and Charles Hartshorne's and others' treatment of process theology. The One, the Many, and the Trinity analyzes per…Read more
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    Process Thought in Roman Catholicism: Challenges and Promises (edited book)
    with John Becker
    Lexington Books. 2022.
    This book explores convergences and divergences between process thought and Roman Catholicism. It examines why process philosophy and process theology have had a minimal impact in Roman Catholic circles compared to Protestantism, and investigates avenues of promising engagement between process thought and Roman Catholicism.
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    Beyond Naïveté: Ethics, Economics, and Values
    with B. Sanderson Rohnn
    University Press of America. 2012.
    This book discusses theories in economics and ethics to help the reader understand all points of view regarding the crossroads between economic systems and individual and social values.