•  89
    Why the "Spotlight" Moves. A Moving Spotlight Theory of Time based on Emanuele Severino's 'La Gloria'
    Eternity and Contradiction. Journal of Fundamental Ontology 5 (8): 138-158. 2023.
    The aim of this paper is to account for the (metaphorical) movement of the property of being present (or presentness) within the so-called Moving Spotlight Theory (MST). I will be leveraging the key argument by Emanuele Severino’s masterpiece, 'La Gloria' (2001), according to which it is impossible that a (maximal consistent) state of affairs begins to appear and lasts forever in our experience. After a brief overview of the MST’s main tenets (§1.1), I argue that Severino’s ontology might be int…Read more
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    How to Defend the Law of Non-Contradiction without Incurring the Dialetheist’s Charge of (Viciously) Begging the Question
    Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 31 (2): 141-182. 2024.
    According to some critics, Aristotle’s elenctic defence (elenchos, elenchus) of the Law of Non-Contradiction (Metaphysics IV) would be ineffective because it viciously begs the question. After briefly recalling the elenctic refutation of the denier of the Law of Non-Contradiction, I will first focus on Filippo Costantini’s objection to the elenchus, which, in turn, is based on the dialetheic account of negation developed by Graham Priest. Then, I will argue that there is at least one reading of …Read more
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    The primitivist theory of truth, i.e., the view that truth cannot be analysed in more fundamental terms, has been cleverly revamped by Jamin Asay, who has combined a primitivist approach to the concept of truth with a deflationary approach to the (metaphysical) property of being true. This paper aims to adjust Asay’s primitivist theory to consistently include the primitiveness of the (pre-theoretical) correspondence relation, grasped by our correspondence intuition, alongside the primitiveness o…Read more
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    In che cosa crede chi pratica la meditazione buddhista? Dare una risposta univoca e coerente è assai difficile; il Buddhismo infatti si concretizza in una molteplicità di scuole e dottrine caratterizzate da complesse logiche e metafisiche. Ci sono tuttavia delle indicazioni minimali che fungono da denominator comune per chi si accosta alla meditazione. Esse riguardano soprattutto l’assenza di punti di vista determinati, l’esperienza del tempo e la relazione di dipendenza reciproca di ogni cosa c…Read more
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    The Vindication of Nothingness
    Editiones Scholasticae. 2017.
    The philosophical question of nothingness has often been controversial. The main core of the question is the use of ‘nothing’ or ‘nothingness’ as a noun phrase rather than a quantifier phrase. This work deals with the question of nothingness and metaphysical nihilism in analytic philosophy. After evaluating an account of nothingness based on the notion of an empty possible world, the present work proposes two original arguments for metaphysical nihilism. With a preface by Graham Priest. “Simiona…Read more
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    A partire da Severino: sentieri aperti nella filosofia contemporanea (edited book)
    with Stefano Sangiorgio and Luigi Tarca
    Aracne editrice int.le S.r.l.. 2016.
    I filosofi che possono essere considerati grandi e classici sono quelli che hanno saputo integrare l’aspetto prettamente argomentativo con l’aspetto che potrebbe essere chiamato “narrativo”. Da un lato, infatti, la filosofia procede da premesse e arriva a conclusioni, attraverso passaggi regolati da una logica; dall’altro essa può costruire narrazioni sul destino dell’uomo e del mondo. Il grande filosofo — quello che diventa un classico — è tale perché racconta storie e insieme fornisce gli stru…Read more
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    A Abertura da Lógica de Hegel e o Possível Mundo Vazio
    Revista Opinião Filosófica 6 (2). 2015.
    Nesse papel, tentarei mostrar que uma leitura da lógica de Hegel baseada em mundos possíveis, particularmente da rejeição de um mundo possível absolutamente vazio poderia fornecer a confirmação da tese hegeliana de acordo com a qual a noção de ser puro implica a noção de ser determinado. Na seção 1, eu retomo o desenvolvimento hegeliano do ser puro ao ser determinado através da interpretação de Stephen Houlgate da abertura da lógica de Hegel. Na seção 2, eu retomo brevemente a noção de mundo pos…Read more
  • This paper compares metaphysical nihilism, as it occurs in analytic metaphysics, with the solution to the puzzle of nothing by the Italian philosopher Emanuele Severino.
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    Nulla e negazione. L'aporia del nulla dopo Emanuele Severino (edited book)
    Pisa University Press. 2011.
    Fin dalle origini la filosofia occidentale ha cercato di liberare il pensiero dall'enorme scandalo rappresentato dal nulla assoluto, proibendo persino di nominarlo (Parmenide), oppure volgendo lo sguardo da un'altra parte (ad esempio Platone e Heidegger, verso la differenza rispettivamente ontica e ontologica), o mostrandone la auto-negazione (Severino). Questo libro propone un modo nuovo di avvicinarsi al "non-essere" e alla sua aporia: un modo che, invece di eliminarlo dal pensiero, afferma la…Read more
  • Critical considerations on the fourth chapter of Emanuele Severino's work "La struttura originaria" about the puzzle of nothing
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    Reconsidering Metaphysical Nihilism
    Polish Journal of Philosophy 7 (1): 55-70. 2013.
    In contemporary analytic philosophy metaphysical nihilism is the thesis according to which there might be nothing, i.e. a possible world with no concreteobjects in it, but that can contain abstract objects. After summarizing the set of premises from which analytic metaphysics deals with nothing, I propose a set of premises that could fit continental metaphysics. Then I propose a new set of premises for the question of nothing that derives from a synthesis of the two above mentioned sets. By mean…Read more