61Ethical education in software engineering: Responsibility in the production of complex systemsScience and Engineering Ethics 13 (4): 505-522. 2007.Among the various contemporary schools of moral thinking, consequence-based ethics, as opposed to rule-based, seems to have a good acceptance among professionals such as software engineers. But naïve consequentialism is intellectually too weak to serve as a practical guide in the profession. Besides, the complexity of software systems makes it very hard to know in advance the consequences that will derive from professional activities in the production of software. Therefore, following the spirit…Read more
47Teaching Ethics to Engineers: A Socratic ExperienceScience and Engineering Ethics 22 (2): 567-580. 2016.In this paper we present the authors’ experience of teaching a course in Ethics for Engineers, which has been delivered four times in three different universities in Spain and Chile. We begin by presenting the material context of the course, and especially the intellectual background of the participating students, in terms of their previous understanding of philosophy in general, and of ethics in particular. Next we set out the objectives of the course and the main topics addressed, as well as t…Read more
39Machine Ethics: Do Androids Dream of Being Good People?Science and Engineering Ethics 29 (2): 1-17. 2023.Is ethics a computable function? Can machines learn ethics like humans do? If teaching consists in no more than programming, training, indoctrinating… and if ethics is merely following a code of conduct, then yes, we can teach ethics to algorithmic machines. But if ethics is not merely about following a code of conduct or about imitating the behavior of others, then an approach based on computing outcomes, and on the reduction of ethics to the compilation and application of a set of rules, eithe…Read more
33Violencia de género y adolescenciaCritica: La Reflexion Calmada Desenreda Nudos 59 (960): 67-71. 2009.Jean Jacques Rousseau definía como "segundo parto" a la transición que supone la adolescencia, al nacimiento de la nueva identidad tras la crisis. La adolescencia coge siempre desprevenido, comienza y con ella llega un tsunami de cambios y transiciones de cuerpo y mente. Por un lado la imaginación se desborda, la sensibilidad está a flor de piel, se vive con grandes dosis de vitalidad y alegría y con la certeza de que todo es posible; hasta cambiar el mundo. Sin embargo se reconoce también al ad…Read more
24Resistance to mainstreaming gender into the higher education curriculumEuropean Journal of Women's Studies 25 (1): 86-101. 2018.Disregard of gender and of women’s contributions in the higher education curriculum is still a widespread phenomenon. Building on feminist institutionalism, this article explores the forms and types of resistance that efforts to engender the higher education curriculum must contend with and discusses the ways in which resistance to curricular reform is entrenched in a web of both gender-specific and apparently gender-neutral academic informal rules. In doing so, the authors use empirical evidenc…Read more
23Hydrogen bonding in condensed-phase alcohols: some keys to understanding their structure and dynamicsPhilosophical Magazine 84 (13-16): 1599-1607. 2004.
18Habilidades morfológicas y experiencia socioeducativaArbor 179 (705): 213-227. 2004.Esta investigación ha sido motivada con la intención de analizar las ejecuciones morfológicas en dos grupos de niños procedentes de dos ambientes sociales y educativos diferentes. Concretamente, un grupo de niños-as procede de un ambiente socioeducativa de clase media (n=33) y otro grupo con desventaja medioambiental, de un ambiente social de clase baja (n=34), estando sus edades comprendidas entre 7 años y 6 meses, y 9 años. Los niños-as respondieron a un conjunto de subpruebas morfológicas, un…Read more
17Dislocation configurations around a nanoindentation in the surface of a fcc metalPhilosophical Magazine 83 (4): 485-502. 2003.We report a scanning tunnelling microscopy investigation of the emission of dislocations around nanoindentations in the form of dislocation arrangements previously called hillocks , consisting of two pairs of Shockley partial dislocations, each encompassing a stacking fault. The spatial arrangement and size distribution of hillocks around the nanoindentation traces are studied. We show that standard dislocation theory for an isotropic continuum can be used to describe the stability of the hilloc…Read more
16Gamero Cabrera, Isabel (2021). La paradoja de Habermas. ¿Qué sucede cuando se aplica la teoría de la acción comunicativa a debates actuales? Dado Ediciones. 325 pp (review)Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 11 (2): 375-377. 2022.
16Educational Encounters of the Third KindScience and Engineering Ethics 23 (6): 1791-1800. 2017.An engineer who becomes an educator in a school of software engineering has the mission to teach how to design and construct software systems, therein applying his or her knowledge and expertise. However, due to their engineering background, engineers may forget that educating a person is not the same as designing a machine, since a machine has a well-defined goal, whilst a person is capable to self-propose his or her own objectives. The ethical implications are clear: educating a free person mu…Read more
15Os seres humanos fazem parte do meio ambiente? A escrita como instauradora de uma nova realidadeHuman Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 4 (1). 2015.Tanto nas leis como nas propostas educacionais ou nos discursos das organizações sociais, a relação do homem com o ambiente é tratada de maneira fragmentada – o homem está fora do meio, cabendo-lhe o papel de fiscalizador, predador ou controlador. Tal percepção revelaria hoje um “efeito colateral” que vem sendo descrito como uma “crise ambiental” ou, como queremos, uma “crise do letramento massivo”. Para atestá-lo, empreendemos uma análise exploratória fundamentada na Linguística Sociocognitiva.…Read more
15O Senso Comum de Informação: Questões OportunasLogeion Filosofia da Informação 1 (2): 69-93. 2015.Problematizamos o conceito de informação, sob a perspectiva da Linguística Sociocognitiva, em especial da teoria da metáfora conceptual e da teoria dos frames semânticos, a fim de verificar se a terminologia predominante da Ciência da Informação (CI) é próxima do “senso comum”, como querem alguns autores da área. De fato, pudemos descrever o esquema cognitivo em que o conceito de informação é produtivo. Identificamos um componente da metáfora do canal, a metáfora INFORMAÇÃO É CONTEÚDO, capaz de …Read more
14Structural analysis of code-based algorithms of the NIST post-quantum callLogic Journal of the IGPL. forthcoming.Code-based cryptography is currently the second most promising post-quantum mathematical tool for quantum-resistant algorithms. Since in 2022 the first post-quantum standard Key Encapsulation Mechanism, Kyber (a latticed-based algorithm), was selected to be established as standard, and after that the National Institute of Standards and Technology post-quantum standardization call focused in code-based cryptosystems. Three of the four candidates that remain in the fourth round are code-based algo…Read more
12In this paper I attempt to address an interpretive difficulty that surrounds Hegel's position in the history of jurisprudence. After a brief overview of Hegel's project, I outline the first two sections of the Outlines of the Philosophy of Right in order to support my argument that Hegel advocates a natural law theory of legal validity. I then show that confusions regarding Hegel's place in the history of jurisprudence arise from his view that the ethical evaluation of laws is limited (with some…Read more
10Desde el inicio de la Modernidad, la narrativa ha evolucionado tanto como lo ha hecho el pensamiento, apreciándose de un modo sustancial en los giros del gusto y en la construcción de personajes. Bajo esta premisa, en el presente artículo se analizan las diferencias entre los prototipos ejemplares y no ejemplares de la ficción, poniendo el foco en el medio audiovisual. Partiendo de la teoría de la imitación y de la imitación de prototipos establecida por Javier Gomá, se revisan algunos arquetipo…Read more
9Desconfianza estética y conflictos ético-políticos ante el reto de la inteligencia artificial confiable: una propuesta ilustrada con casos cinematográficos recientes (2019-2023) (review)Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 73 131-151. 2024.En 2019, el Grupo de Expertos sobre Inteligencia Artificial, impulsado por la Comisión Europea (CE), publicó Directrices éticas para una inteligencia artificial fiable. Este documento, junto con otros, pretende cimentar las bases europeas para una inteligencia artificial (IA) confiable. Es decir, una serie de condiciones indispensables, principios éticos y estrategias que señalan el camino para asegurar un proyecto europeo humanocéntrico, alineado con las necesidades y las expectativas de los se…Read more
3Capabilities and Education in Latin AmericaTópicos: Revista de Filosofía 70 443-472. 2024.This paper explores the fundamental theses of the capabilities approach and differentiates it from notions of development that are more focused on the generation of wealth and growth. The paper emphasizes the importance of action in the development of life projects and describes the importance of emancipation in exercising freedoms. It then describes the education challenges from the perspective of the capabilities approach. It situates the importance of this approach in the Latin American conte…Read more
That Very Special Form of Commitment (review)Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 20 (3). 2001.
La justicia procedimental imperfecta en la conciencia jurídica material del juzgador de Alf RossCinta de Moebio 23. 2005.
Atlanta, Georgia, United States of America
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