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    Geographic Legislative Constituencies: A Defense
    Political Theory 51 (2): 301-330. 2023.
    Many democracies use geographic constituencies to elect some or all of their legislators. Furthermore, many people regard this as desirable in a noncomparative sense, thinking that local constituencies are not necessarily superior to other schemes but are nevertheless attractive when considered on their own merits. Yet, this position of noncomparative constituency localism is now under philosophical pressure as local constituencies have recently attracted severe criticism. This article examines …Read more
  • Citizens of democratic societies often abstain from voting in political elections. This paper develops a novel account of why such electoral abstention is morally permitted. The paper argues that the moral right not to vote should be interpreted as an exclusionary permission not to vote - i.e. a permission not to respond to the reasons that in principle favour voting. And citizens fundamentally enjoy that permission because of their moral entitlement to moral autonomy. By developing this argumen…Read more