4Las dos caras del relativismo: crítica al fundacionismo e imagen relativista de la cienciaPraxis Filosófica 52 119-144. 2021.En este trabajo nos proponemos analizar la doble función que cumple el relativismo: por un lado, constituye una crítica a la visión fundacionista que caracterizó a una parte importante de la filosofía de la ciencia contemporánea, específicamente el Positivismo Lógico y algunos de sus herederos. Por otra parte, ofrece una interpretación sobre los aspectos sincrónicos y diacrónicos de la ciencia, que se presenta como una alternativa a las principales caracterizaciones que se hicieron de la ciencia…Read more
Comités de evaluación ética y científica de la investigación en seres humanos en los países latinoamericanos y del CaribeIn Fernando Lolas, Alvaro Quezada & Eduardo Rodríguez (eds.), Investigación en salud: dimensión ética, Cieb, Universidad De Chile. 2006.
La fundación de Miramar y el sentido de la "Sabiduría cristiana" de Ramon LlullStudia Lulliana 22 (1-3): 1-7. 1978.
4The emotional basis of morality: is autonomy still possible?Universitas Philosophica 26 (53): 195-217. 2009.
28The temperature dependence of heavy-ion damage in iron: A microstructural transition at elevated temperaturesPhilosophical Magazine 90 (35-36): 4623-4634. 2010.
53Heavy-ion irradiations of Fe and Fe–Cr model alloys Part 1: Damage evolution in thin-foils at lower dosesPhilosophical Magazine 88 (21): 2851-2880. 2008.
143The Challenge of Greening Religious Schools by Improving the Environmental Competencies of TeachersFrontiers in Psychology 11 496342. 2020.Even though sacred scriptures emphasize the key role that Creation and respect for living creatures play in all religions, the so-called religious schools seem to show little interest in putting this sacred mandate into effect. To shed light on this subject, this work investigates the role of teachers in the process, focusing on their environmental competencies. Our hypotheses are tested through a structural equation model on a sample of 214 biology and religion teachers from 118 Catholic school…Read more
31Heavy-ion irradiations of Fe and Fe–Cr model alloys Part 2: Damage evolution in thin-foils at higher dosesPhilosophical Magazine 88 (21): 2881-2897. 2008.
34Assessing the Influence of Social Responsibility on Reputation: An Empirical Case-Study in Agricultural Cooperatives in SpainJournal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 30 (1): 99-120. 2017.The attention to ethics has gradually become a concurrent topic of modern companies’ management. In the last years Social Responsibility has become a key issue in the strategic agenda of competitive agriculture cooperatives. However, reputation management has not been a visible strength in the cooperative enterprises. First of all, this work theoretically analyzes the relationship between Social Responsibility and reputation in cooperatives. Later, from a practical point of view, we carry on an …Read more
Comités de evaluación ética y científica de la investigación en seres humanos en los países latinoamericanos y del CaribeIn Fernando Lolas, Alvaro Quezada & Eduardo Rodríguez (eds.), Investigación en salud: dimensión ética, Cieb, Universidad De Chile. 2006.