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    Abstract:This essay traces the intellectual journey of the Queer/Cuir/Cuyr Américas Working Group, a dedicated network of queer scholars from across the Americas who came together to address how knowledge is produced and constructed as Anglocentric and North-centric and how it circulates across the hemisphere. I discuss how this occurs by placing heteronormativity at the center to cross-examine the multiple ways in which it feeds both socialist and capitalist regimes. Thinking cuir as well as th…Read more
  • María-Amelia Viteri explores the multiple unfixed meanings that the term “Latino” takes on as this category is reappropriated and translated by LGBT “Latinos” in Washington, DC, San Salvador, and Quito. Using an anthropology-based, interdisciplinary approach, she exposes the creative ways in which migrants—including herself—subvert traditional readings based on country of origin, skin color, language, and immigrant status. A critical look at the multiple ways migrants view what it means to be Am…Read more