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    New Poetic Fragments From a Neglected Witness of Ps.-trypho's De Tropis: Callimachus, Ps.-Hesiod, Ps.-Simonides
    with Filippomaria Pontani
    Classical Quarterly 71 (1): 240-252. 2021.
    A treatise on rhetorical tropes is attributed in manuscripts to the first-century grammarian Trypho: this article considers for the first time a fifteenth-century manuscript of this work (Leiden, BPG 74G), which turns out to be the only complete witness of its hitherto unknown original version; this version (very fragmentarily transmitted by a fifth-century papyrus scrap) is also partly found in another fifteenth-century manuscript now kept in Olomouc (M 79). Four interesting poetic fragments ar…Read more