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    “A língua é forma e não substância”: revisitando um aforisma saussureano
    with Maria Francisca Lier-De Vitto and Brenda Sousa
    In Eliane Silveira & Stefania Montes Henriques (eds.), Saussure: manuscritos, aulas e publicações, Edufu. pp. 269-280. 2022.
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    O artigo argumenta que a teoria dos poderes políticos de Thomas Hobbes no Leviatã é inovadora, consistente e muito bem integrada no debate da época e em sua filosofia política. Essa teoria se revela na versão latina do Leviatã com a inserção pelo autor do binômio da potentia e da potestas, que traduz a palavra power, tornando explícita uma distinção que antes poderia ser compreendida apenas analiticamente. O uso dos dois conceitos por Hobbes é um tema pouco explorado pela literatura e, mesmo aqu…Read more
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    Thomas Hobbes’s most important recommendations for a sovereign reader concerned the governing of opinion. Due to the spread of false doctrines and their powerful champions, Hobbes was afraid that subjects would have opinions contrary to the maintenance of peace. His solution comprehended a combination of civic education and censorship. This text explains how Hobbes justifies his recommendations from the perspective of individual deliberation. It argues that Hobbes conceived censoring circulating…Read more
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    Hobbes on the power to punish
    History of European Ideas 49 (6): 959-971. 2023.
    Hobbes’s account of the sovereign’s right to punish in Leviathan has led to a longstanding interpretive dispute. The debate is prompted by the fact that, prima facie, Hobbes makes two inconsistent claims: subjects (i) authorize all the acts of the sovereign, and are hence authors of their own punishment, yet (ii) have the liberty to resist such punishment. I argue that attending to Hobbes’s surprisingly neglected account of power yields a novel interpretation of his theory of punishment. Hobbes,…Read more