Marita Brčić Kuljiš

University of Split
  •  12
    John Rawls and the Freedom of Political Speech
    Filozofska Istrazivanja 43 (3): 509-528. 2023.
    Free political speech – understood as (1) the right to publicly criticize the government, (2) the right to represent theories and ideologies that are contrary to the ruling one, (3) the right to advocate political and institutional changes, etc. – is the speech that enables a fundamental distinction between democratic and non-democratic systems. As part of the discussions on free political speech, the discussions related to the very content of the freedom of political speech that incites rebelli…Read more
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    A Human Rights Paradox in the Context of the Migration Debate
    International Journal of Critical Cultural Studies 20 (1): 1-12. 2022.
    Although there are a host of perspectives from which the migration crisis can be addressed, in this article we interpret it from the perspective of a human rights crisis. Overall, the world has changed. Not only the revolution in communications and transportation but also the revolution in human rights has been driving an increasing number of people to migrate in search of a better life. In this context, we discuss the relationship between the state and the individual in terms of human rights. W…Read more
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    BORDERS: The attitudes of students at the University of Split on immigration, immigrants, and refugees
    with Toni Popović, Renata Relja, and Anita Lunic
    Sveučilište u Splitu, Filozofski fakultet. 2021.
    Migration has, in recent years, been one of the most current topics both in Croatia and worldwide. We have witnessed increased emigration (i.e. out-migration) of Croatian citizens, as well as attempts to cross the Croatian state border by citizens of other countries. This book focuses on migration in the context of the so-called migrant and refugee crisis, which is considered from a philosophical and sociological perspective. Any gender-specific terms, irrespective of the gender in which they ar…Read more
  •  14
    The Death of Multiculturalism and the Life of the Mediterranean
    Filozofska Istrazivanja 41 (2): 389-402. 2021.
    The failure of multiculturalism has been talked about for quite some time now. Moreover, the statements of leading European politicians have confirmed what was suspected. When this becomes the view of the member states of the community that advocates “equality in diversity” in its essential documents, it becomes worrying. As the antithesis to the failure, or death, of multiculturalism, we place the life of the Mediterranean for many reasons. The first reason is that multiculturalism is connected…Read more
  • Living together in the European Union?
    International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding (IJMMU) 5 (5): 212-223. 2018.
    The failure of multiculturalism in the EU, confirmed by the key players of the European political scene Merkel, Sarkozy and Cameron (we have seen that only A. Merkel has survived) can be seen as a failure of European Union. Regardless the fact that the policy of multiculturalism has failed, multiculturalism is still, as a living experience of diversity, fact of our daily lives. The political approach to cultural diversity in EU is therefore necessary to change. Today it is not the main question …Read more
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    Think of any children’s social game. Each has its own criteria and rules. Participation in such a game presupposes that players have accepted its rules and criteria (whether these are agreed on ad hoc or previously known). If the players do not accept the rules and criteria or do not respect them in the gaming process, the game cannot take place and ends abruptly (with small children it ends in tears, with older children with fists). If we transfer that to the political sphere we can ask a quest…Read more
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    Iris Marion Young accepts the concepts of the private and the public, but denies the social division between public and private spheres, each with different kinds of institutions, activities, and human attributes. Young defines “private” as that aspect of a person’s life and activity that he or she has a right to exclude others from. The private in this sense is not what public institutions exclude, but what the individual chooses to withdraw from public view. According to Young the public in a …Read more
  • Laž u politici (review)
    Filozofska Istrazivanja 27 (2): 475-478. 2007.
  • Pretpostavke liberalnog razumijevanja čovjeka (review)
    Filozofska Istrazivanja 27 (3): 709-712. 2007.
  • Konferencija »The Political Theory of John Rawls«
    Filozofska Istrazivanja 27 (4): 1003-1005. 2007.
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    The Difference Principle. The Key to a Just Democratic Society
    Filozofska Istrazivanja 30 (1-2): 61-78. 2010.
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    Načelo razlike. Ključ za pravednije demokratsko društvo
    Filozofska Istrazivanja 30 (1-2): 61-78. 2010.
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    with Johann Reikerstorfer and Johannes Thomas
    Synthesis Philosophica 23 (2): 439-448. 2008.
  • Review: Global Justice: A Cosmopolitan Account (review)
    Synthesis Philosophica 25 (2): 385-388. 2010.
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    Kulturni pluralizam i pravednost u recepciji Willa Kymlicke
    Filozofska Istrazivanja 28 (1): 49-61. 2008.
    Shvaćajući kulturni pluralizam kao činjenicu suvremenog liberalno demokratskog društva, uočava se njegova problematičnost u odnosu na same liberalno-demokratske ideje. Demokracija polazi od prava većine, a liberalizam polazi od pojedinca kojemu su osigurana temeljna prava i dužnosti zanemarujući činjenicu njegova mogućeg pripadanja manjinskoj kulturi. Može li se odgovor na zahtjev kulturne različitosti pronaći isključivo u teoriji ljudskih prava ili je potrebno dopustiti postavljanje posebnih pr…Read more
  •  14
    Recenzije I prikazi
    with Ankica Čakardić, Dražen Zetić, Marko Tokić, Drago Šimundža, Srećko Pulig, Mladen Planinc, Snježan Hasnaš, Tonči Valentić, Darija Zrilić, Maja Profaca, and Krunoslav Nikodem
    Filozofska Istrazivanja 26 (1): 199-229. 2006.
  • Book Reviews (review)
    with Luka Boršić and Nada Gosić
    Synthesis Philosophica 25 (2): 377-390. 2010.
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    Izvori liberalnog mišljenja u filozofiji Immanuela Kanta
    Filozofska Istrazivanja 26 (4): 783-797. 2006.
    Immanuel Kant, svojim kopernikanskim obratom, vraća čovjeku središnje mjesto u svijetu. Čovjek se, u njegovoj filozofiji, shvaća kao individua koja posjeduje slobodu. Ta sloboda izvor ima u umu, a čovjek je postaje svjestan tek kada djeluje u skladu s moralnim zakonom. Na taj način Kant slobodu pridružuje svakom pojedincu, kao prirođeno pravo, koje nijedan pozitivni zakon ne može dovesti u pitanje. Svojim moralnim zakonom on čovjeka čini odgovornim, kako za sebe tako i za čitav svijet. Ta se odg…Read more
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    with Lino Veljak, Martina Žeželj, Mateja Donković, Iva Rinčić Lerga, and Snježan Hasnaš
    Filozofska Istrazivanja 27 (2): 465-481. 2007.
  • Svojom teorijom pravednosti kao pravičnosti američki autor John Rawls ponudio je egalitarnu koncepciju pravednosti za demokratsko društvo. Kao liberal, ostao je dosljedan ideji da realizacija pravednosti podrazumijeva načelo jednakih sloboda i načelo jednakosti mogućnosti. Uz ta dva načela, Rawls drugom načelu pridružuje i načelo razlike koje za zadatak ima uklanjanje svih onih faktora koji su s moralnog stajališta proizvoljni. Specifičnost tog načela, koje traži promišljanje o drugome, izdvaja …Read more
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    Recenzije I prikazi
    with Nikola Skledar, Snježan Hasnaš, Marinko Lolić, Ana Maskalan, Zvonko Šundov, Suzana Marjanić, Tomislav Krznar, Željko Senković, and Vladimir Jelkić
    Filozofska Istrazivanja 27 (3): 709-742. 2007.
  •  16
    Filozofski život
    with Iris Vidmar, Snježan Hasnaš, Bruno Ćurko, Sead Alić, Dražen Zetić, Tomislav Krznar, Predrag Režan, Ruža Kovačević, and Ivana Skuhala Karasman
    Filozofska Istrazivanja 27 (4): 999-1036. 2007.
  • Simpozij »Mediteranski korijeni filozofije«
    Filozofska Istrazivanja 27 (2): 495-500. 2007.