Greencastle, Indiana, United States of America
Areas of Interest
Asian Philosophy
  •  4
    Real Time
    Philosophy of Science 50 (4): 663-665. 1983.
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    Expressing the heart's intent: explorations in Chinese aesthetics
    State University of New York Press. 2017.
    Using Li Zehou's theories of aesthetics, argues for the importance of the arts to philosophy.
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    Polishing the Chinese Mirror: Essays in Honor of Henry Rosemont, Jr (edited book)
    with Ronnie Littlejohn
    Global Scholarly Publications. 2008.
    Edited by Marthe Chandler and Ronnie Littlejohn, this work is a collection of expository and critical essays on the work of Henry Rosemont, Jr., a prominent and influential contemporary philosopher, activist, translator, and educator in the field of Asian and Comparative Philosophy. The essays in this collection take up three major themes in Rosemont's work: his work in Chinese linguistics, his contribution to the theory of human rights, and his interest in East Asian religion. Contributions inc…Read more
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    Religion, Ritual, and Family
    Philosophy East and West 69 (1): 20-29. 2019.
    Chapters 8, "On Religion and Ritual," and 9, "The Religious Dimensions of Role-Bearing Family Lives," of Against Individualism continue the discussion between Henry Rosemont and Huston Smith that began in Rationality and Religious Experience. The conversations concern the nature of religion, religious experience, and the object of that experience. Rosemont argues that there are certain "homoversals," behaviors that cannot be entirely accounted for by physical or cultural environments.1 Language …Read more
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    Real Time. D. H. Mellor (review)
    Philosophy of Science 50 (4): 663-665. 1983.
  • Philosophical Issues in Tense Logic
    Dissertation, University of Illinois at Chicago. 1980.
    The last chapter examines the tense system used by ordinarily competent speakers of English to discuss past, present, and future events, actual and possible events, and various combinations of these. I present a systematic method for translating English sentences containing certain compound verb tenses and embedded tense constructions into a logical language using tense operators. Finally I show how the usual semantics for these operators reflects the truth conditions of the original English sen…Read more
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    "Meno" and "mencius:" Two philosophical dramas
    Philosophy East and West 53 (3): 367-398. 2003.
    The conversations between Meno and Socrates and between Mencius and King Xuan are philosophical dramas whose "plots" are intellectual arguments. Although both texts present historical characters at particular times in their lives, the texts were written some years after the events they describe by disciples of Socrates and Mencius. The authors had a number of motives: they wanted to represent what the characters thought and said, to explain the philosophical theories underlying the dramatic plot…Read more
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    This paper examines two models used in survey research to explain voting behavior. Although the models rely on the same data they make radically different predictions about the political future. Nevertheless, both models may be more or less correct. The models represent interacting systems and it may be impossible to get a super model of the interactions between their elements. In the natural sciences causal relationships between the elements of interacting models can often be ignored. Because v…Read more
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    Although the historical dispute between introspective psychology and ontological behaviorism encourages the belief that attitudes do not exist, this belief is misguided. Even the Hacking test, suggested by someone with grave doubts about behavioral science, supports the claim that attitudes are “just as real as neutrinos.” Nevertheless, the progress of a science of attitudes may be severely limited by the influence of exogenous factors, factors including normative beliefs about how we should tre…Read more