85What is the Sense of Ego-Maker in Classical Samkhya and Yoga?In Jakubczak Marzenna (ed.), The Sense of Ego-Maker in Classical Sāṃkhya and Yoga: Reconsideration of ‘ahaṃkāra’ with Reference to the Mind-Body Problem, Munshiram Monoharlal. pp. 291-308. 2013.
11Poczucie sprawczości w klasycznej filozofii indyjskiej (sankhja-joga)Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej. forthcoming.
3Part II. Living Expressions of Sāṁkhya: 6. Kāpil Maṭh: A Contemporary Living Tradition of Sāṃkhya YogaIn Christopher Key Chapple (ed.), The sāṃkhya system: accounting for the real, State University of New York Press. pp. 123-147. 2024.Although some of the writings of Swāmi Hariharānanda Ᾱraṇya (1869-1947), such as Yoga Philosophy of Patañjali, are well known and have been discussed among scholars specializing in Indian philosophy, he is not commonly recognized as a great modern yoga teacher and as the founder of a living tradition, unlike some other Bengali figures of his time such as Swāmi Vivekānanda (1863-1902) or Śri Aurobindo (1972-1950). Apparently, the fact that he established Kāpil Maṭh, an āśrama dedicated to the le…Read more
23Somaesthetics and the Cross-Cultural Dressing of DesireEidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 5 (4): 123-128. 2021.Preview: /Commentary: Richard Shusterman, Ars Erotica: Sex and Somaesthetics in the Classical Arts of Love, 436 pages./ Somaesthetics, the field cultivated by Richard Shusterman since 1997, bore another juicy fruit for our enjoyment. This time, his interdisciplinary research – integrating the theoretical, empirical, and practical disciplines related to bodily perception, presentation, and performance – resulted in an excellent cross-cultural study of the classical arts of love developed over cen…Read more
499A Revived Sāṃkhyayoga Tradition in Modern IndiaStudia Religiologica 53 (2): 105-118. 2020.This paper discusses the phenomenon of Kāpil Maṭh (Madhupur, India), a Sāṃkhyayoga āśrama founded in the early twentieth century by the charismatic Bengali scholar-monk Swāmi Hariharānanda Ᾱraṇya (1869–1947). While referring to Hariharānanda’s writings I will consider the idea of the re-establishment of an extinct spiritual lineage. I shall specify the criteria for identity of this revived Sāṃkhyayoga tradition by explaining why and on what assumptions the modern reinterpretation of this school …Read more
480Joga dla Polki i Polaka. Rzut oka na recepcję indyjskiej duchowości w PolsceArgument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 9 (1): 123-145. 2019.Yoga for Poles: a glance at the reception of Indian spirituality in Poland: The article starts with a review of data on the religious affiliations and involvement of contemporary Poles, with special focus on religious traditions originating in India. Then, outlined briefly is the Polish reception of the Hindu and Buddhist religio-philosophical ideas, regarding the period between the mid-nineteenth century, through the 1990s and on to the present day. Both the oriental religions and psychophysica…Read more
12Hinduism in PolandIn Knut A. Jacobsen & Ferdinando Sardella (ed.), Handbook of Hinduism in Europe (2 vols), Handbook of Oriental Studies.. pp. 1265-1291. 2020.
370The Sense of Ego-Maker in Classical Sāṃkhya and Yoga: Reconsideration of ‘ahaṃkāra’ with Reference to the Mind-Body ProblemIn Girishwar Misra (ed.), Psychology & Psychoanalysis. History of Science, Philosophy, Munshiram Monoharlal. pp. 291-308. 2013.While elucidating the sense of ego-maker in classical Samkhya and Yoga philosophy I bear in mind several meanings of the word ‘sense’, or different levels of its understanding, namely: the semantic, ontological and epistemic as well as axiological sense. Thus, my aim is, firstly, to specify the semantic sense of the term ‘ahamkara’, that is to explain its contents or denotation. Secondly, when focusing on the ontological context I will try to define the nature and reason, or purpose (arthavatta…Read more
1492The Woman-and-Tree Motif in the Ancient and Contemporary IndiaIn Retracing the Past: Historical Continuity in Aesthetics from a Global Perspective, International Association For Aesthetics. pp. 79-93. 2017.The paper aims at critical reconsideration of a motif popular in Indian literary, ritual, and pictorial traditions – a tree goddess (yakṣī, vṛkṣakā) or a woman embracing a tree (śālabhañjīkā, dohada), which points to a close and intimate bond between women and trees. At the outset, I present the most important phases of the evolution of this popular motif from the ancient times to present days. Then two essential characteristics of nature recognized in Indian visual arts, literature, religions a…Read more
230Architektura stupy buddyjskiej jako przykład projektu sakralnegoIn Rewers Ewa (ed.), Przestrzeń, filozofia i architektura, Wydawnictwo Fundacji Humaniora. pp. 251-268. 1999.
67Sens Ja. Koncepcja podmiotu w filozofii indyjskiej (sankhja-joga)Ksiegarnia Akademicka. 2013.The Sense of I: Conceptualizing Subjectivity: In Indian Philosophy (Sāṃkhya-Yoga) This book discusses the sense of I as it is captured in the Sāṃkhya-Yoga tradition – one of the oldest currents of Indian philosophy, dating back to as early as the 7th c. BCE. The author offers her reinterpretation of the Yogasūtra and Sāṃkhyakārikā complemented with several commentaries, including the writings of Hariharānanda Ᾱraṇya – a charismatic scholar-monk believed to have re-established the Sāṃkhya-Yoga li…Read more
260Joga w Bhagawadgicie – jedna czy wiele metod wiodących do wyzwolenia?Annales Academiae Paedagogicae Cracoviensis: Studia Philosophica 4 (53): 158-174. 2008.
31The Aesthetization of Nature: How Buddhist is the Japanese Idea of 'Nature'?In Wilkoszews Krystyna (ed.), Aesthetics and Cultures, Universitas. pp. 131-142. 2012.
216Review of Anti-militarism. Political and Gender Dynamics of Peace by Cyntia Cockburn (review)Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 3 (1): 219-220. 2013.
220Sprawozdanie: Międzynarodowe Seminarium Filozoficzne „Comparative Methodology in Religious Studies”Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 3 (1): 225-226. 2013.
267Introduction to the issue: Subjectivity and Self-knowledgeArgument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 1 (1): 7-8. 2011.The leading theme of the first volume of the Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal is Subjectivity and Self-knowledge. Five contributors focused on this theme consider various aspects of the self, referring either to western authors (Włodzimierz Heflik, Roger Melin) or eastern thinkers (Marzenna Jakubczak), or undertaking a comparative perspective and discussing arguments given both by western and Indian philosophers (Arindam Chakrabarti, Sven Sellmer).
299Goal statement for the Argument: Biannual Philosophical JournalArgument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 1 (1): 5-6. 2011.It is my pleasure to present you the first issue of the Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal, published by the Department of Philosophy and Sociology, Pedagogical University of Cracow. This is a peer-reviewed journal founded to facilitate dialogue between Polish and international scholars and, on the other hand, to build bridges between professional philosophers and a wider educated public. We are open to the publishing of scholarly studies in…Read more
257Introduction to the issue: Comparative Study of Religion: Methods & ApplicationsArgument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 4 (1): 5-8. 2014.A comparative perspective in the study of religion has recently been taken up more and more often. It goes along with a growing awareness of cultural and religious plurality as well as of the importance of religion in terms of its role in the social, political, and economic processes of the contemporary world. This also gave an impulse to organize the two-day international seminar on “Comparative Methodology in Religious Studies” held in Kraków on 23–24 May 2013, at the Pedagogical University o…Read more
338Introduction to the issue: Psychophysical Integrity of the Human Self. Comparative Approach: Philosophy, Literature and ArtArgument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 5 (1): 5-8. 2015.The current issue of Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal (2015, vol. 5, no. 1) provides a platform for cross‑cultural studies of the human body, the embodied mind, agency, intentionality, and various axiological aspects of the human psychophysical identity. Out of the twenty articles that compose this issue, thirteen original papers address the leading theme, namely Psychophysical integrity of the human self. Comparative approach: philosophy, literature and art. The multidisciplinary …Read more
334Introduction to the issue: Academic Study of Religion in South AsiaArgument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 6 (1): 5-10. 2016.A comparative perspective in the study of religion, which goes beyond the Eurocentric interests with their predominating Judeo‑Christian standpoint, has already been taken up in one of our previous issues (Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal, 2014, Vol. 4, No. 1). This time, we focus on the South Asian context only. In particular, we discuss the academic approach to the study of religion in contemporary India and Bangladesh, which may be distinguished from other attitudes such as the theolo…Read more
288Gdzie spotykają się filozofowie Wschodu i Zachodu? Refleksje o filozofii porównawczej i konferencji w Honolulu „11th East-West Philosophers’ Conference”Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 6 (2): 519-528. 2016.The paper presents the idea of cross‐cultural philosophy, which have inspired the organizers of the cyclic global conferences held at the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa, USA, since 193 First, the author discusses some definitions of the comparative method applied in contemporary philosophy and promoted, among others, through the project of the “East‐West Philosophers’ Conference”. Then, she reports the major themes and panel topics raised during the eleventh conference organized in Honolulu, Ma…Read more
794The Collision of Language and Metaphysics in the Search for Self-Identity: on ahaṃkāra and asmitā in Sāṃkhya-YogaArgument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 1 (1): 37-48. 2011.The author of this paper discusses some major points vital for two classical Indian schools of philosophy: (1) a significant feature of linguistic analysis in the Yoga tradition; (2) the role of the religious practice (iśvara-pranidhana) in the search for true self-identity in Samkhya and Yoga darśanas with special reference to their gnoseological purposes; and (3) some possible readings of ‘ahamkara’ and ‘asmita’ displayed in the context of Samkhya-Yoga phenomenology and metaphysics. The collis…Read more
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