I earned my PhD in Philosophy from the University of Memphis. My dissertation was about Edmund Husserl's genetic phenomenology and its application to the study of our basic perceptual capacities. Since then, I've held a postdoctoral research position at Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum, been a visiting lecturer at Beloit College and the University of Central Florida, and now I'm Senior Lecturer at Texas State University.
I'm interested in phenomenological contributions to embodied and enactive approaches to cognition and have written a bunch about Edmund Husserl's phenomenology, the relationship between affect and perceptual experience, and other …
I earned my PhD in Philosophy from the University of Memphis. My dissertation was about Edmund Husserl's genetic phenomenology and its application to the study of our basic perceptual capacities. Since then, I've held a postdoctoral research position at Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum, been a visiting lecturer at Beloit College and the University of Central Florida, and now I'm Senior Lecturer at Texas State University.
I'm interested in phenomenological contributions to embodied and enactive approaches to cognition and have written a bunch about Edmund Husserl's phenomenology, the relationship between affect and perceptual experience, and other matters lying at the intersection of phenomenology and the philosophy of perception.