•  158
    Norwood Russell Hanson was one of the most important philosophers of science of the post-war period. Hanson brought Wittgensteinian ordinary language philosophy to bear on the concepts of science, and his treatments of observation, discovery, and the theory-ladenness of scientific facts remain central to the philosophy of science. Additionally, Hanson was one of philosophy’s great personalities, and his sense of humor and charm come through fully in the pages of Perception and Discovery. Percept…Read more
  •  221
    What I do not believe and other essays (edited book, 2nd ed.)
    Springer. 2020.
    Fifty years have passed since Norwood Russell Hanson's unexpected death, yet he remains an important voice in philosophy of science. This book is a revised and expanded edition of a collection of Hanson's essays originally published in 1971, edited by Stephen Toulmin and Harry Woolf. The new volume features a comprehensive introduction by Matthew Lund (Rowan University) and two new essays. The first is "Observation and Explanation: A Guide to Philosophy of Science", originally published as a pos…Read more
  • Hypotheses Facta Fingunt
    with Norwood Russell Hanson
    In Norwood Russell Hanson (ed.), Perception and discovery, Freeman, Cooper. 1969.
  • Laws, Truths, and Hypotheses
    with Norwood Russell Hanson
    In Norwood Russell Hanson (ed.), Perception and Discovery: An Introduction to Scientific Inquiry, Springer Verlag. 1969.
  • Theory-Laden Language
    with Norwood Russell Hanson
    In Norwood Russell Hanson (ed.), Perception and Discovery: An Introduction to Scientific Inquiry, Springer Verlag. 1969.
  •  95
    Despite having put the concept of HPS on the institutional map, N.R. Hanson’s distinctive account of the interdependence between history of science and philosophy of science has been mostly forgotten, and misinterpreted where it is remembered. It is argued that Hanson’s account is worthy of renewed attention and extension since, through its special emphasis on a variety of different normative criteria, it provides the framework for a fruitful and transformative interaction between the two discip…Read more
  •  98
    Biographical sketch -- Philosophical context -- Observation -- Logic of discovery -- Philosophy and history of science -- Quantum theory -- Conceptual structure, analogy, and the logic of discovery revisited.