•  187
    Continuity and Discontinuity in Visual Experience
    Critica 24 (70): 3-15. 1992.
    This paper investigates the role of visual experience in Wittgenstein's work. The specific thesis is that visual experience provides not only diverse illustrative examples of what could be an explanation of meaning, but that it also provides a recurrent metaphor for the whole process of meaning and understanding. Wittgenstein uses a great number of visual examples in his texts. Their diversity may be accounted for by the great diversity of ways in which he attempts to describe the relationship b…Read more
  •  12
    Editing Wittgenstein's "Notes on Logic"
    University of Bergen. 1996.
    This monograph is a detailed comparison of the two published forms of Wittgenstein’s "Notes on Logic": the so-called Russell and Costello Versions. It also includes complete transcriptions of the two related typescripts and one manuscript in the collection of The Bertrand Russell Archives at McMaster University, and a transcription of a photocopy of a related typescript in the collection of The Wittgenstein Archives at the University of Bergen, hitherto unpublished in their original form. From t…Read more
  •  222
    Some Consequences of the Academicization of Design Practice
    with Daniela Büchler
    Design Philosophy Papers 9 (1): 41-55. 2011.
    This paper aims to contribute a design-focused perspective on the ‘alternative paradigm research’ discussion. To clarify the aspect of ‘design-focus’ that we wish to refer to, we will use the term ‘areas of design practice’ to cover those activities that focus on the conception and production of artefacts, in contrast to the activities of theorizing and writing histories. The literature on academic research in areas of design practice encompasses a board range of subjects and terminology -- it r…Read more
  •  272
    Bibliographie der deutsch- und englischsprachigen Wittgenstein-Ausgaben
    with Sarah Anna Szeltner and Alois Pichler
    Wittgenstein-Studien 2 (1): 249-286. 2011.
    Gliederung Übersicht zu den Ausgaben mit Quellen im Nachlass ... 2 „Titel“-Ausgaben ... 2 Helsinki-Ausgabe ... 3 Teil-Ausgaben ... 3 Wiener Ausgabe ... 4 Bergen Electronic Edition (CD-ROM) ... 4 Bergen Web-Ausgaben ... 4 1 Bibliographie der Sammelausgaben... 5 1.1 Nachlass-Faksimile ... 5 1.2 Bergen Nachlass-Textausgaben ... 5 1.3 Suhrkamp-Schriften ... 6 1.4 Suhrkamp-Werkausgabe ... 6 1.5 Intelex-Ressource ... 7 1.6 Wiener Ausgabe ... 7 1.7 Helsinki-Ausgabe ... 8 1…Read more
  •  31
    What About NOT
    Phenomenology and Practice 17 (1). 2022.
    This is a piece of experimental multi-perspectival writing in which four different personae adopt different methods and intellectual relationships to writing as a means of research, by using the topics of fiction, counterfactual history and not-being. The narrative line is provided by a novelist who retells Saramago’s The History of the Siege of Lisbon. In Saramago’s novel a wayward proof-reader mischievously adds the word “not” to the historical account, creating a fictional, counterfactual his…Read more
  •  178
    There are no established conventions for, and few examples of, indexing visual material on the basis of its form. Most image databases use keywords to describe the form or function, and access data by text-based retrieval of these keywords. An image-based approach would order the data by appearance, e.g. Shepherd (1971) and Dreyfuss (1972). A taxonomy must be created in order to apply this technique to a new data set. Previous applications have been aided by certain limiting factors on the possi…Read more
  •  85
    Philosophy and Electronic Publishing
    The Monist 80 (3): 348-367. 1997.
    This article is an account of an electronic discussion which took place between November 1995 and June 1996. A number of specialists in relevant research areas had been invited to take part in the discussion from the very beginning, and some were added later. Altogether 30 individuals subscribed to the list. The “target paper,” written by Allen Renear, was sent to the list on November 27, 1995. The target paper alone comprised 8,500 words. The ensuing discussion, to which 9 of the members on the…Read more