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30Contentsintroductionmorality in times of naturalising the mind – an overviewpart I: Free will, responsibility and the naturalised mind1. Naturalizing free will – empirical and conceptual issues2. Libet’s experiments and the possibility of free conscious decision3. The effectiveness of intentions – a critique of wegnerpart II: Naturalising ethics? – Metaethical perspectives4. Neuroethics and the rationalism/sentimentalism divide5. Experimental ethics – a critical analysispart III: Naturalised ethics? Empirical perspectives6. Moral soulfulness & moral hypocrisy – is scientific study of moral agency relevant to ethical reflection?Part IV: Neuroethics – which values?7. The rationale behind surgery –truth, facts, valuesbiographical notes on the authorsname index (review)In Morality in Times of Naturalising the Mind, De Gruyter. pp. 45-62. 2014.
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Areas of Interest
Philosophy of Action |
Philosophy of Mind |