•  145
    Death and the Meaning of Life
    Philosophical Papers 44 (1): 83-102. 2015.
    Thoughts of mortality sometimes bring on a crisis in confidence in the meaning in one's life. One expression of this collapse is the midlife crisis. In a recent article, Kieran Setiya argues that if one can value activities as opposed to accomplishments as the primary goods in one's life then one might avoid the midlife crisis. I argue that Setiya's advice, rather than safeguarding the meaning in one's life, substitutes for it something else, a kind of happiness. I use Susan Wolf's concept of me…Read more
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    Time and the Philosophy of Action (edited book)
    Routledge. 2015.
    Although scholarship in philosophy of action has grown in recent years, there has been little work explicitly dealing with the role of time in agency, a role with great significance for the study of action. As the articles in this collection demonstrate, virtually every fundamental issue in the philosophy of action involves considerations of time. The four sections of this volume address the metaphysics of action, diachronic practical rationality, the relation between deliberation and action, an…Read more
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    In Roman Altshuler Michael J. Sigrist (ed.), Time and the Philosophy of Action, Routledge. pp. 1-18. 2015.
    We do things in time. Philosophy of action can capture this phenomenon in at least two ways. On one hand, it might focus on the way that temporal preferences and long-term temporal horizons affect the rationality of decisions in the present (see, e.g., Parfit 1984; Rawls 1971). Such work may focus on the way we discount the distant future, for example, or prioritize the future over the past. Approaches of this kind treat time as, in a sense, something external to agency; it sets various constrai…Read more
  •  43
    Exhausting Modernity (review)
    Teaching Philosophy 25 (4): 396-401. 2002.
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    Husserl on God, Existence, and Transcendental Analysis
    New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 10 (1): 201-215. 2010.
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    The John Frederick Lewis Collection, Part II
    with Tohru Gomi, D. I. Owen, and G. D. Young
    Journal of the American Oriental Society 107 (1): 146. 1987.
  •  27
    Textes économiques néo-sumériens de l'université de SyracuseTextes economiques neo-sumeriens de l'universite de Syracuse
    with Wolfgang Heimpel and D. I. Owen
    Journal of the American Oriental Society 106 (3): 565. 1986.
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    11. Narrativity, Aspect and Selfhood
    In John Lippitt & Patrick Stokes (eds.), Narrative, Identity and the Kierkegaardian Self, Edinburgh University Press. pp. 169-185. 2015.