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    Mieczysław Gogacz w swojej filozofii podkreślał naczelną rolę rozważań metafizycznych po to, aby uczynić z filozofii dziedzinę adekwatną do analizowanej rzeczywistości. Metodologię metafizyki wyznacza spotkany, realnie istniejący byt jednostkowy. To nie zastosowana metoda wywołuje w ludzkim intelekcie skutki, które są wyrażane i porządkowane. To raczej byt składający się z istnienia i istoty, wywołuje w intelekcie „mowę serca”, a więc rozumienia, którymi człowiek ponownie zwraca się do rzeczywis…Read more
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    Thomas Aquinas anthropology is related to the description of human nature, which was established at the beginning, before original sin, as well as taking into account all its effects, and the nature that was united with God. The distinction of two intellects adopted by Aristotle - a potential and active intellect - for Aquinas was helpful in showing the unique character of the knowledge that Adam and Christ had. Adam as the one who was appointed as teacher of people, had perfect knowledge and di…Read more
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    Thomas Aquinas anthropology is related to the description of human nature, which was established at the beginning, before original sin, as well as taking into account all its effects, and the nature that was united with God. The distinction of two intellects adopted by Aristotle - a potential and active intellect - for Aquinas was helpful in showing the unique character of the knowledge that Adam and Christ had. Adam as the one who was appointed as teacher of people, had perfect knowledge and di…Read more
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    with Tomasz Z. Akwinu and Artur Andrzejuk
    Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego. 2011.
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    Komentarz "O pamięci i przypominaniu"
    with Tomasz Z. Akwinu and Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego
    Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego. 2012.
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    God’s Knowledge about moment of man’s death in Thomas Aquinas Epistola ad Bernardum and providence in analytical thomism: The aim of the article is to present the most important statement in the last – dictated before his death – letter of Thomas Aquinas to the abbot of Monte Cassino and look at it from the perspective of the most important expression of contemporary analytical thomism. This letter basically resolved questions about the knowledge of God and its infallibility and in particular pr…Read more
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    "Homo non est intellectus". Aquinas about relation between soul and intellect
    Studia Philosophiae Christianae 53 (4): 75. 2019.