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    The Take and the Stutter: Glenn Gould's Time Synthesis
    Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 9 (4): 558-577. 2015.
    In A Thousand Plateaus, Deleuze and Guattari refer to Glenn Gould as an illustration of the third principle of the rhizome, that of multiplicity: ‘When Glenn Gould speeds up the performance of a piece, he is not just displaying virtuosity, he is transforming the musical points into lines, he is making the whole piece proliferate’ (1987: 8). In an attempt to make sensible their ostensibly modest statement, I proliferate the relationships between Glenn Gould's philosophy of sound recording, Deleuz…Read more
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    The Science of Listening in Bioacoustics Research: Sensing the Animals' Sounds
    Theory, Culture and Society 35 (2): 47-65. 2018.
    Bioacoustics is an interdisciplinary field bridging biological and acoustic sciences, which uses sound technologies to record, preserve, and analyse large datasets of animal communications. But it is also a world, made of the meanings created through inter- and intra-species communication. This article empirically explores a variety of bioacoustics research, including interviews with researchers, as part of a broader qualitative study, in order to theorize the expanding sense and sensation of a …Read more
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    This article is interested in ‘voice imaging’ as a technical field through which people experience new relations between organic and inorganic forms of life. Grounded in a study of voice imaging in historical and contemporary scientific research, the article applies and expands on Bernard Stiegler’s ‘General Organology’, with an eye to understanding the voice as a dynamic capacity for volition. By exploring the scientific research into voice imaging, the article argues that the voice, as a cultu…Read more
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    The article proposes a new way of thinking through truth commissions by discerning the manner in which they usher in new political configurations through voices and vocalizations. It contributes to our understanding of truth commissions by way of proposing a pragmatic ontology of bonds between the body, voice, and testimony by elucidating the central features that make them vocal assemblages, composed of five sub-institutional capacities: they affect and are affected by bodies in a complex topol…Read more
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    The COVID-19 pandemic redefines how we think about the body, physiologically and socially. But what does it mean to have and to be a body in the COVID-19 pandemic? The COVID-19 pandemic offers data scholars the unique opportunity, and perhaps obligation, to revisit and reinvent the fundamental concepts of our mediated experiences. The article critiques the data double, a longstanding concept in critical data and media studies, as incompatible with the current public health and social distancing …Read more
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    The Rhythm of Echoes and Echoes of Violence
    Theory, Culture and Society 34 (1): 97-114. 2017.
    This paper contributes to non-ocularcentric theory and theorizing by way of a methodological application and extension of Henri Lefebvre’s Rhythmanalysis. It explores the cultural dynamics of echoes and history, using as an instrumental case study Steve Reich’s 1966 tape-loop composition, Come Out, to elucidate the ambivalent and contradictory relations of time, temporality, and possibility. While the focus is primarily on the text of Come Out and its context of police brutality and civil rights…Read more
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    The aim of this article is to demonstrate that data modelling is becoming a crucial, if not dominant, vector for our understanding of animal populations and is consequential for how we study the affective relations between individual bodies and the communities to which they belong. It takes up the relationship between animal, body and data, following the datafication of starling murmurations, to explore the topological relationships between nature, culture and science. The case study thus embodi…Read more
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    What makes a body of sound appear as an aesthetic object as well as a method for knowledge? In Sounding Bodies Sounding Worlds, Mickey Vallee argues that we must impose our sonic imagination onto the non-sonic, and embrace how we sound to ourselves, sound with our animal companions, and sound in very earth itself. From the invention of the laryngoscope to the role of the spectrogram, from the call of the bird to the tumble of a rockslide, from the deep listening of environmental immersion to the…Read more
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    Because et for partagent-ils les mêmes propriétés énonciatives?
    Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage 1 (2). 2003.
    Dans cet article, nous nous proposons de faire une étude comparée de because et de foren anglais contemporain dans une perspective énonciative. Les opinions sont partagées quand il s’agit de les comparer. Selon les auteurs, ils sont soit très proches sémantiquement soit différents mais néanmoins substituables dans certains énoncés. Nous souhaitons ainsi nous interroger sur ce qui rapproche ou distingue les deux connecteurs et suggérer qu’il est possible, à partir d’une analyse fondamentale de be…Read more
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    Quel est le rôle de P2 dans une construction P1 for P2?
    Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage 8 (1). 2010.
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    Then peut-il vraiment introduire un repérage temporel?
    Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage 3 (2). 2005.
    Le connecteur then a fait l’objet de peu d’études jusqu’à présent. Dans cet article, nous nous intéressons à la valeur temporelle de then que l’on trouve particulièrement dans une suite de procès. Nous essayons de démontrer que l’appellation d’adverbe temporel dans ce contexte n’est peut-être pas aussi facile à défendre. Nous nous proposons donc de parcourir la littérature linguistique à ce sujet avant de montrer qu’il est possible de réorienter la réflexion sur le rôle de then dans ce contexte.
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    This chapter is about sounding the Anthropocene in contemporary scientific research. Sounding, the chapter argues, extracts imperceptible vibrations. In line with scientific research, I argue that it is in our best interest to give a technological ear to imperceptible vibrations, instead of sequestering sound to all those limited to the range of so-called natural human hearing. Imperceptible vibrations constitute a movement. All movement, perceptible and imperceptible, moves through an environme…Read more