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    Excavating Mexico's Philosophical Heritage
    Journal of World Philosophies 1 (1): 138-140. 2016.
    In this autobiographical essay, I contemplate upon my engagement with Nahuatl culture and philosophy, which spans several decades today.
  • Bibliografía básica de Luis Cencillo
    with Francisco Reyes González Nieto
    Paideia: Revista de Filosofía y Didáctica Filosófica 30 (84): 137-203. 2009.
  • Conocer se dice de muchas maneras
    Paideia: Revista de Filosofía y Didáctica Filosófica 30 (84): 35-50. 2009.
  • Fiction and Fictionalism (review)
    Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 30 (1). 2011.
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    Pre-Hispanic Thought
    In Miguel León Portilla & A. Robert Caponigri (eds.), Major trends in Mexican philosophy, University of Notre Dame Press. pp. 2--56. 1966.
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    Translations of ancient Aztec documents reveal their thoughts on the origin of the universe, the nature of God, and the significance of art.
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    The New World, 1492-1992 An Endless Debate?
    Diogenes 40 (157): 1-21. 1992.
    On our planet only the American continent has had the privilege, or the unhappiness perhaps, of being subjected to a sort of accounting of “anniversaries” or, let us say, “centennials.” But this does not mean, for all that, that these anniversaries serve to commemorate its birth. Geologists tell us the continents were formed hundreds of millions of years ago, making the commemoration of the American continent relatively recent. Moreover, the origins of this custom are foreign to it and are imbue…Read more
  • Granada Tolle, Lege
    Revista Agustiniana 52 (159): 851. 2011.
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    Fetishism, technology and science-fiction
    Dilemata 6 123-139. 2011.
    In this paper Marx’s concept of fetishism is used in order to analyze contemporary representations of technology in the science-fiction genre (concretely Terminator, The Jetsons and Dune will be used as examples) and discuss their correspondence to two major ideological perceptions of technology (the luddite and the productivist) and to one of the best attempts to grasp technology in a non-fetishized form (Marx’s analysis in Capital)