Mitar Nedeljkovic

Универзитет У Приштини
  •  954
    Наука и логика: однос науке и логике кроз историју
    Наука Без Граница 3“ Међународни Тематски Зборник 3 (1): 359-371. 2020.
    In this paper, the author considers the relationship between science and logic through their historical development. Logic is traditionally understood as a system of principles of valid inference by which the truthfulness of a statement is preserved through the transformation of its content. As such, logic requires that those principles apply regardless of the subject matter under consideration. Therefore, it is undisputable that there is a connection between science and logic: science without i…Read more
  •  87
    Проблем оправданости индуктивног закључивања
    Zbornik Radova Filozofskog Fakulteta U Prištini 51 (2): 387-408. 2021.
    In this paper, the author considers the classical strategies of defense from Hume's argument against induction, and assesses the extent to which they were found to be successful. Synthetic, linguistic, a priori, pragmatic and inductive strategies of defending induction are considered, as well as the question of the extent to which the justification of induction is a problem for grounding scientific knowledge. A new argument is introduced for the a priori justification of induction, as well as a …Read more