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    Scaling Scalia: Problems for Scalia's Legal Theory
    International Journal of Legal Discourse 8 (1): 77-94. 2023.
    Antonin Scalia’s theory of judicial interpretation remains highly relevant in the legal landscape. This paper proposes three problems with Scalia’s textualism-originalism that have yet to be adequately addressed in the legal philosophical literature. The problems are consecutively introduced as the Madisonian Problem, the Promulgation Problem, and the Fairness Problem. To explain these problems, I rely upon an understanding of coherent justification conceptualized by Keith Lehrer, and I utilize …Read more
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    Penal Substitutionism, Divine Justice, and the Existence of God
    Philosophy and Theology 33 (1): 69-93. 2021.
    Professor William Lane Craig argues that a particular set of concerns about the Christian doctrine of penal substitution (namely, that Jesus of Nazareth was sacrificed for the sins of humanity) can be satisfied. This article provides rebuttals to said replies in an attempt to render plausible the claim that God exists to the extent that God is perfectly just, and that divine justice requires, among other things, that God never engage in the harming of innocents, consistent with any doctrine of r…Read more