1Water for All: Global Solutions for a Changing Climate, by David Sedlak (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 2023), 440 pp, cloth $30, eBook $30 (review)Ethics and International Affairs 38 (3): 395-397. 2024.
29Embedding Justice Considerations in Climate ResilienceEthics, Policy and Environment 27 (1): 63-88. 2023.This article contributes to recent work on justice in resilience-based projects for climate adaptation. At present, the model commonly used for guiding normative reflection in this domain is the tripartite model of justice, whereby justice is seen as comprising distributive, procedural and recognitional aspects. After discussing some conceptual problems and practical shortcomings of this model, we propose an alternative model with six forms of justice or kinds of justice demands: distributive, p…Read more
16Responsible innovation and societal challenges: The multi-scalarity dilemmaJournal of Responsible Technology 16 (C): 100072. 2023.
Distributing responsibilities for climate adaptation: Examples from the water domainSustainability 13 (13, 3676): 16. 2021.It is often assumed that climate adaptation policy asks for new responsibility arrangements between central government and citizens, with citizens getting a more prominent role. This prompts the question under which conditions these new responsibility arrangements can be justified as they may raise serious ethical concerns. Without paying due attention to these ethical concerns, climate adaptation policy may be unsuccessful and even be considered illegitimate. This paper aims to address this top…Read more
27Introduction to the Symposium on Sabine Roeser’s Risk, Technology, and Moral EmotionsScience and Engineering Ethics 26 (4): 1887-1890. 2020.
406How Engineers Can Care from a Distance: Promoting Moral Sensitivity in Engineering Ethics EducationIn Glenn Miller, Helena Mateus Jerónimo & Qin Zhu (eds.), Thinking through Science and Technology. Philosophy, Religion, and Politics in an Engineered World., Rowman & Littlefield International. pp. 141-163. 2023.Moral (or ethical) sensitivity is widely viewed as a foundational learning goal in engineering ethics education. We have argued in this paper is that this view of moral sensitivity cannot be readily transported from the nursing context to the engineering context on the basis of a care-analogy. The particularized care characteristic of the nursing context is decisively different from the generalized and universalized forms of care characteristic of the engineering context. Through a focus on ca…Read more
25Responsibility in Engineering: Toward a New Role for Engineering EthicistsBulletin of Science, Technology and Society 30 (3): 222-230. 2010.Traditionally, the management of technology has focused on the stages before or after development of technology. In this approach the technology itself is conceived as the result of a deterministic enterprise; a result that is to be either rejected or embraced. However, recent insights from Science and Technology Studies (STS) have shown that there is ample room to modulate technology during development. This requires technology managers and engineering ethicists to become more involved in the t…Read more
455Making sense of resilienceSustainability 13 (15): 8538. 2021.While resilience is a major concept in development, climate adaptation, and related domains, many doubts remain about how to interpret this term, its relationship with closely overlapping terms, or its normativity. One major view is that, while resilience originally was a descriptive concept denoting some adaptive property of ecosystems, subsequent applications to social contexts distorted its meaning and purpose by framing it as a transformative and normative quality. This article advances an a…Read more
16Responsible Innovation 1: Innovative Solutions for Global Issues (edited book)Imprint: Springer. 2014.This book addresses the methodological issues involved in responsible innovation and provides an overview of recent applications of multidisciplinary research. Responsible innovation involves research into the ethical and societal aspects of new technologies (e.g. ICT, nanotechnology, biotechnology and brain sciences) and of changes in technological systems (e.g. energy, transport, agriculture and water). This research is highly multidisciplinary. It involves close collaboration between research…Read more
26Responsible Innovation and De Jure Standardisation: An In-Depth Exploration of Moral Motives, Barriers, and FacilitatorsScience and Engineering Ethics 28 (6): 1-26. 2022.Standardisation is increasingly seen as a means to insert ethics in innovation processes. We examine the institutionalisation of responsible innovation in de jure standardisation as this is an important but unexplored research area. In de jure standardisation, stakeholders collaborate in committees to develop standards. We adopt the anticipation, inclusion, reflexivity, and responsiveness responsible innovation framework as our theoretical lens. Our study suggests that responsible standardisatio…Read more
38Contestable AI by Design: Towards a FrameworkMinds and Machines 33 (4): 613-639. 2023.As the use of AI systems continues to increase, so do concerns over their lack of fairness, legitimacy and accountability. Such harmful automated decision-making can be guarded against by ensuring AI systems are contestable by design: responsive to human intervention throughout the system lifecycle. Contestable AI by design is a small but growing field of research. However, most available knowledge requires a significant amount of translation to be applicable in practice. A proven way of conveyi…Read more
30Tensions in transparent urban AI: designing a smart electric vehicle charge pointAI and Society 38 (3): 1049-1065. 2023.The increasing use of artificial intelligence (AI) by public actors has led to a push for more transparency. Previous research has conceptualized AI transparency as knowledge that empowers citizens and experts to make informed choices about the use and governance of AI. Conversely, in this paper, we critically examine if transparency-as-knowledge is an appropriate concept for a public realm where private interests intersect with democratic concerns. We conduct a practice-based design research st…Read more
12ÜberlegungsgleichgewichtIn Armin Grunwald (ed.), Handbuch Technikethik, Metzler. pp. 181-185. 2013.Technologische Forschung und Entwicklung findet zunehmend innerhalb von Netzwerken statt, in denen unterschiedliche Akteure zusammenarbeiten. Diese Akteure haben unter Umständen unterschiedliche Auffassungen von dem, was ein gutes Leben ausmacht und welche Rolle Technologien in unserer Gesellschaft dabei spielen. In der Politik geht man davon aus, dass diese unterschiedlichen Ansichten unterschiedliche moralische Referenzsysteme repräsentieren, die sich nicht auf eine einzige übergreifende Sicht…Read more
626How to Teach Engineering Ethics?: A Retrospective and Prospective Sketch of TU Delft’s Approach to Engineering Ethics EducationAdvances in Engineering Education 9 (4). 2021.This paper provides a retrospective and prospective overview of TU Delft’s approach to engineering ethics education. For over twenty years, the Ethics and Philosophy of Technology Section at TU Delft has been at the forefront of engineering ethics education, offering education to a wide range of engineering and design students. The approach developed at TU Delft is deeply informed by the research of the Section, which is centered around Responsible Research and Innovation, Design for Values, and…Read more
566Value-sensitive design practices for frugal innovationsIn Cees Van Beers, Saradindu Bhaduri, Peter Knorringa & Andre Leliveld (eds.), Handbook on Frugal Innovation, Edward Elgar Publishing. 2023.This chapter focuses on technological innovation and how insights from technological design can be used to address the challenges associated with the setting in which frugal innovation operates. The resource-constrained setting of frugal innovation puts high demands the design requirements of frugal innovation technologies and the possible conflicts between these requirements. Within the ethics of technology, there is a growing literature that explicitly focuses on how to make technological desi…Read more
22Rawls’s Wide Reflective Equilibrium as a Method for Engaged Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Potentials and Limitations for the Context of Technological RisksScience, Technology, and Human Values 43 (3): 487-517. 2018.The introduction of new technologies in society is sometimes met with public resistance. Supported by public policy calls for “upstream engagement” and “responsible innovation,” recent years have seen a notable rise in attempts to attune research and innovation processes to societal needs, so that stakeholders’ concerns are taken into account in the design phase of technology. Both within the social sciences and in the ethics of technology, we see many interdisciplinary collaborations being init…Read more
22Exploring Responsibility Rationales in Research and DevelopmentScience, Technology, and Human Values 37 (3): 180-209. 2012.The present article explores the rationales of scientists and engineers for distributing moral responsibilities related technology development. On the basis of a qualitative case study, it was investigated how the actors within a research network distribute responsibilities for these issues. Rawls’ Wide Reflective Equilibrium model was used as a descriptive framework. This study indicates that there is a correlation between the actors’ ethics position and their responsibility rationale. When dis…Read more
37Creating ‘Local Publics’: Responsibility and Involvement in Decision-Making on Technologies with Local ImpactsScience and Engineering Ethics 26 (4): 2215-2234. 2020.This paper makes a conceptual inquiry into the notion of ‘publics’, and forwards an understanding of this notion that allows more responsible forms of decision-making with regards to technologies that have localized impacts, such as wind parks, hydrogen stations or flood barriers. The outcome of this inquiry is that the acceptability of a decision is to be assessed by a plurality of ‘publics’, including that of a local community. Even though a plurality of ‘publics’ might create competing normat…Read more
522Paper presented at the symposium on the occasion of the retirement of Sven Ove Hansson. The symposium took place on 13-14 December 2019 at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden.
48Geoengineering the climate and ethical challenges: what we can learn from moral emotions and artCritical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 23 (5): 641-658. 2020.Climate change – if not averted adequately and in time – could cause serious disruptions in society including issues associated with global warming and sea-level rise. It has been argued that geoen...
312Waarden in waterDelft University of Technology. 2018.Intreerede In verkorte vorm uitgesproken op 16 november 2018 ter gelegenheid van de aanvaarding van het ambt van hoogleraar ‘Ethics of water engineering’ aan de faculteit Techniek, Bestuur en Management van de Technische Universiteit Delft.
304Values in WaterDelft University of Technology. 2018.Inaugural speech spoken in acceptance of the chair ‘Ethics of water engineering’ at the Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management of Delft University of Technology on 16 November 2018.
94Should Probabilistic Design Replace Safety Factors?Philosophy and Technology 24 (2): 151-168. 2011.Should Probabilistic Design Replace Safety Factors? Content Type Journal Article Pages 151-168 DOI 10.1007/s13347-010-0003-6 Authors Neelke Doorn, Department of Technology, Policy and Management, Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5015, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands Sven Ove Hansson, Department of Philosophy and the History of Technology, Royal Institute of Technology, Teknikringen 78 B, 100 44 Stockholm, Sweden Journal Philosophy & Technology Online ISSN 2210-5441 Print ISSN 2210-5433 Jour…Read more
12Public Forgiveness in Post-Conflict Contexts (edited book)Intersentia. 2012.There seems to be a pervasive trend towards public apologies, forms of national introspection, and appeals to grant forgiveness. Does 'forgiveness' enable a public or political use of the term? Is it possible to forgive on behalf of others, and if so, under what conditions? These conceptual questions are related to reflections on the cultural and religious contexts of expressing forgiveness. Do forgiving words promote a willingness to look ahead and prevent a relapse into conflicting views on th…Read more
29Editorial: Introducing the New Editorial TeamTechné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 18 (1/2): 1-2. 2014.This article is currently available as a free download on ingentaconnect
19Water Ethics: An IntroductionRowman & Littlefield International. 2019.A comprehensive introduction to water ethics, this book explores the common thread between debates in the allocation of water resources, the human right to water and the commodification and privatisation of water services, and fills the gap for alternatives to the predominantly consequentialist approach to dealing with these issues.
4Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Engineering (edited book)Taylor & Francis Ltd. 2021.55 chapters cover the cutting edge in this dynamic field. Includes foundational perspectives, reasoning, ontology, design processes, methods, values, responsibilities, and reimagining of engineering. Essential for students and researchers studying the philosophy/ethics of engineering, technology, or design.
50Engineers’ Moral Responsibility: A Confucian PerspectiveScience and Engineering Ethics 26 (1): 233-253. 2020.Moral responsibility is one of the core concepts in engineering ethics and consequently in most engineering ethics education. Yet, despite a growing awareness that engineers should be trained to become more sensitive to cultural differences, most engineering ethics education is still based on Western approaches. In this article, we discuss the notion of responsibility in Confucianism and explore what a Confucian perspective could add to the existing engineering ethics literature. To do so, we an…Read more
Reasoning About Uncertainty in Flood Risk GovernanceIn Gertrude Hirsch Hadorn & Sven Hansson (eds.), The Argumentative Turn in Policy Analysis: Reasoning About Uncertainty, Springer Verlag. 2016.