1227Epistemic Dilemmas: A GuideIn Essays on Epistemic Dilemmas, Oxford University Press. forthcoming.This is an opinionated guide to the literature on epistemic dilemmas. It discusses seven kinds of situations where epistemic dilemmas appear to arise; dilemmic, dilemmish, and non-dilemmic takes on them; and objections to dilemmic views along with dilemmist’s replies to them
1184Epistemology without guidancePhilosophical Studies 179 (1): 163-196. 2021.Epistemologists often appeal to the idea that a normative theory must provide useful, usable, guidance to argue for one normative epistemology over another. I argue that this is a mistake. Guidance considerations have no role to play in theory choice in epistemology. I show how this has implications for debates about the possibility and scope of epistemic dilemmas, the legitimacy of idealisation in Bayesian epistemology, uniqueness versus permissivism, sharp versus mushy credences, and internali…Read more
1171Epistemic feedback loops (or: how not to get evidence)Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 106 (2): 368-393. 2021.Epistemologists spend a great deal of time thinking about how we should respond to our evidence. They spend far less time thinking about the ways that evidence can be acquired in the first place. This is an oversight. Some ways of acquiring evidence are better than others. Many normative epistemologies struggle to accommodate this fact. In this article I develop one that can and does. I identify a phenomenon – epistemic feedback loops – in which evidence acquisition has gone awry, with the resul…Read more
913Dilemmic EpistemologySynthese 196 (10): 4059-4090. 2019.This article argues that there can be epistemic dilemmas: situations in which one faces conflicting epistemic requirements with the result that whatever one does, one is doomed to do wrong from the epistemic point of view. Accepting this view, I argue, may enable us to solve several epistemological puzzles.
859Epistemic Dilemmas DefendedIn Epistemic Dilemmas, Oxford University Press. 2021.Daniel Greco (forthcoming) argues that there cannot be epistemic dilemmas. I argue that he is wrong. I then look in detail at a would-be epistemic dilemma and argue that no non-dilemmic approach to it can be made to work. Along the way, there is discussion of octopuses, lobsters, and other ‘inscrutable cognizers’; the relationship between evaluative and prescriptive norms; a failed attempt to steal a Brueghel; epistemic and moral blame and residue; an unbearable guy who thinks he’s God’s gift to…Read more
750Consistency and evidencePhilosophical Studies 169 (2): 333-338. 2014.Williamson (2000) appeals to considerations about when it is natural to say that a hypothesis is consistent with one’s evidence in order to motivate the claim that all and only knowledge is evidence. It is argued here that the relevant considerations do not support this claim, and in fact conflict with it
638Non‐ideal epistemic rationalityPhilosophical Issues 34 (1): 72-95. 2024.I develop a broadly reliabilist theory of non-ideal epistemic rationality and argue that if it is correct we should reject the recently popular idea that the standards of non-ideal epistemic rationality are mere social conventions.
513Evidence and BiasIn Maria Lasonen-Aarnio & Clayton Littlejohn (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Evidence, Routledge. 2023.I argue that evidentialism should be rejected because it cannot be reconciled with empirical work on bias in cognitive and social psychology
138No Excuses: Against the Knowledge Norm of BeliefThought: A Journal of Philosophy 6 (3): 157-166. 2017.Recently it has been increasingly popular to argue that knowledge is the norm of belief. I present an argument against this view. The argument trades on the epistemic situation of the subject in the bad case. Notably, unlike with other superficially similar arguments against knowledge norms, knowledge normers preferred strategy of appealing to the distinction between permissibility and excusability cannot help them to rebut this argument.
128Who's Afraid Of Epistemic Dilemmas?In Scott Stapleford & Kevin McCain (eds.), Epistemic Duties: New Arguments, New Angles, Routledge. 2020.I consider a number of reasons one might think we should only accept epistemic dilemmas in our normative epistemology as a last resort and argue that none of them is compelling.
124Is knowledge the ability to ϕ for the reason that p?Episteme 11 (4): 457-462. 2014.Hyman (1999, 2006) argues that knowledge is best conceived as a kind of ability: S knows that p iff S can φ for the reason that p. Hyman motivates this thesis by appealing to Gettier cases. I argue that it is counterexampled by a certain kind of Gettier case where the fact that p is a cause of the subject’s belief that p. One can φ for the reason that p even if one does not know that p. So knowledge is not best conceived as an ability of this kind
109Luminosity Failure, Normative Guidance and the Principle ‘Ought-Implies-Can’Utilitas 30 (4): 439-457. 2018.It is widely thought that moral obligations are necessarily guidance giving. This supposed fact has been put to service in defence of the ‘ought-implies-can’ principle according to which one cannot be morally obligated to do the impossible, since impossible-to-satisfy obligations would not give guidance. It is argued here that the supposed fact is no such thing; moral obligations are not necessarily guiding giving, and so the ‘guidance argument’ for ought-implies-can fails. This is the result of…Read more
98Guidance, Obligations and Ability: A Close Look at the Action Guidance Argument for Ought-Implies-CanUtilitas 30 (1): 73-85. 2018.It is often argued that the requirement that moral obligations be ‘action guiding’ motivates the claim that one can be obligated to ϕ only if one can ϕ. I argue that even on its most plausible interpretation, this argument fails, since the reasoning behind it leads to the absurd conclusion that one is permitted to ϕ if one cannot ϕ.
86Uniqueness, Rationality, and the Norm of BeliefErkenntnis 84 (1): 57-75. 2019.I argue that it is epistemically permissible to believe that P when it is epistemically rational to believe that P. Unlike previous defenses of this claim, this argument is not vulnerable to the claim that permissibility is being confused with excusability.
84Disagreement, Dogmatism, and the Bounds of Philosophy (review)International Journal of Philosophical Studies 27 (4): 591-596. 2019.Volume 27, Issue 4, October 2019, Page 591-596.
75Knowledgeable assertion in the image of knowledgeable beliefInquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 62 (2): 168-184. 2019.ABSTRACTI describe two ways of thinking about what constitutes a knowledgeable assertion – the ‘orthodox view’ and the ‘isomorphic view’. I argue that we should discard the orthodox view and replace it with the isomorphic view. The latter is more natural and has greater theoretical utility than the former.
12Non‐ideal epistemic rationalityPhilosophical Issues 34 (1): 72-95. 2024.I develop a broadly reliabilist theory of non‐ideal epistemic rationality and argue that if it is correct we should reject the recently popular idea that the standards of non‐ideal epistemic rationality are mere social conventions.
11Essays on the nature and roles of knowledgeDissertation, St. Andrews. 2015.This dissertation is comprised of five independent essays on the theme of the nature and roles of knowledge. The essays are intended to be free-standing pieces of work and should be read as such. Contents: 1. An Existential Argument For Pragmatic Encroachment -- 2. Environmental Luck Gettier Cases And The Metaphysical Roles Of Knowledge -- 3. Might The Simulation Heuristic Influence Knowledge Attributions? -- 4. Excuses And Epistemic Norms -- 5. From Moore's Paradox To The Knowledge Norm Of Beli…Read more