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    Ripensando l'umano: in dialogo con Edith Stein (edited book)
    with Angela Ales Bello
    Castelvecchi. 2015.
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    Con le parole dei filosofi
    Carocci editore. 2021.
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    Eugen Fink e la fenomenologia dell'irrealtà
    Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 5 (1): 327-375. 2017.
    After being discussed in 1929 with Husserl as referent and Heidegger as co-referent, Eugen Fink’s Dissertation “Vergegenwärtigung und Bild” has been published in 1930 on the “Jahrbuch für Philosophie und phänomenologische Forschung”. In his study, Fink works out a careful and methodic inquiry of basic notions of Husserlian thought regarding the time-consciousness. The paper analyzes the main theses of Dissertation, paying particular attention to the fist and wider part devoted to presentificatio…Read more
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    "The Dawn of Wonder”
    Teaching Philosophy 42 (3): 279-293. 2019.
    “The Dawn of Wonder” is a philosophical laboratory that the author, a high school philosophy teacher, has for many years led in several elementary schools in Rome. The paper aims at presenting the main characteristics of such experience of teaching philosophy to children, which doesn’t adopt the methodology of Philosophy for Children, but develops an original approach based on a historical narration of ideas and thinkers coming from both Western and Eastern traditions. According to this perspect…Read more
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    Motivation and Person: the Ethical Life as a Stream of Consciousness
    Alter: revue de phénoménologie 20 197-210. 2012.
    Starting from the separation between rational and irrational motivation, Husserl elaborates a formal ethics which justifies the universal validity of its principles on the logical feature of proposition. On the other hand, since the irrationality of motivation represents the associative stream of consciousness constituting the passive background of rational life of subject, the formal aspect of Husserlian ethics seems to be well rooted in the materiality and con-creteness of existen...
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    Recentemente la fenomenologia ha intrapreso un dialogo sempre più intenso con le scienze cognitive, le neuroscienze e la psicopatologia, i cui punti-cardine sono stati: la struttura della coscienza e degli atti di coscienza; le diverse forme di consapevolezza di sé; l’investigazione del sé e dei suoi disturbi; l’intersoggettività. Due volume recentemente pubblicati attestano la prosperità di questo dibattito. Il primo, Body Memory, Metaphor, and Movement, verte sulla soggettività incarnata, rivo…Read more
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    Die phänomenologische Reduktion und ihre Bedingungen
    Phänomenologische Forschungen 71-88. 2008.
    Within the phenomenological perspective the reductive method, as proceeding through the path (µετα-οδός), allows the subject to refer to its own living structure. It is crucial to bring outthe aware character of this relationship, because such consciousness is achieved by an unawaresubjectivity. Since the subject arises ab initio in a hyletic-temporal field, it has to carry out itsmethodological procedure according to definite modes, that is the time-consciousness’ modes. The method of reduction…Read more
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    The Way to the Subject between Phenomenology and Psychology
    Philosophy Today 54 (Supplement): 128-134. 2010.
    The method of the transcendental reduction, which takes place as a return revealing the subjectivity to itself, makes possible to grasp the link connecting the worldly reality and the egological dimension, i.e. the world’s becoming in the ways of the originally subjective constitution. The legitimate aim of the psychological experience to understand the basic structures of the life-consciousness can find in the conceptual figure of the phenomenological reduction both a valid methodological appro…Read more
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    Consciousness And Self-Identity
    Philosophy Today 55 (Supplement): 143-150. 2011.
    The paper aims at analyzing the inner development of self-identity from its pre-reflective level to the full awareness one. The recent findings of neurosciences and cognitive studies suggest focusing attention on the complex relation between self as consciousness and self as subjectivity, both with regard to their interdependency and to their reference to a shared context. Phenomenology, thanks to the careful consideration of the issues regarding the constitution of mental life articulated by it…Read more
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    Dreaming Consciousness: A Contribution from Phenomenology
    Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 7 (2): 180-201. 2016.
    : The central aim of this paper is to offer a historical reconstruction of phenomenological studies on dreaming and to put forward a draft for a phenomenological theory of the dream state. Prominent phenomenologists have offered an extremely valuable interpretation of the dream as an intentional process, stressing its relevance in understanding the complexity of the mental life of subject, the continuous interplay between reality and unreality, and the possibility of building parallel spheres of…Read more