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    The Varieties of Attitudes Towards Offenders
    Criminal Justice Ethics 41 (2): 95-120. 2022.
    I argue that penal philosophy should focus more on our attitudes towards offenders, since these attitudes can shed new light on theories or principles of punishment (of which they are often expressions) and also play a significant role in changing the face of criminal justice. Building on Strawson’s “Freedom and Resentment,” I define attitudes as certain ways of seeing human beings that logically include or exclude various emotional, behavioral, and linguistic responses, that can be more or less…Read more
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    Drug Courts and the ‘Responsibility without Blame’ Approach
    Journal of Applied Philosophy 40 (3): 488-504. 2023.
    This article starts from a paradox and aims to solve it. On the one hand, although Drug Courts (DCs) are one of the most interesting penal innovations in recent years, running counter to the dominant retributive approach and the rival approach based on deterrence, they have surprisingly not attracted the attention of philosophers and therefore lack a solid philosophical foundation. On the other hand, although Pickard's ‘responsibility without blame’ approach looks very convincing on paper, its p…Read more
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    Twardowski on Ethics, Criminal Law, and Determinism
    Philosophia Scientiae 173-194. 2022.
    Cet article porte sur le déterminisme compatibiliste de Kazimierz Twardowski. Dans un premier temps, j’explique ce qu’est le déterminisme selon Twardowski et pourquoi il s’agit d’après lui d’une position plus probable que l’indéterminisme. Dans un deuxième temps, je présente son analyse du concept d’imputation [poczytywanie] – très proche de ce qu’on appelle en philosophie pénale la character theory of excuses – qui lui permet de concilier déterminisme et imputation. Cette analyse pose qu’un act…Read more
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    La définition de la peine d’emprisonnement
    Revue D’Études Benthamiennes 19. 2021.
    Dans cet article, nous essayons de trouver une définition qui puisse s’appliquer à toutes les peines d’emprisonnement en prenant pour fil conducteur les caractéristiques saillantes d’une peine d’emprisonnement typique aujourd’hui en France. Nous critiquons la définition courante en termes de privation de liberté et nous soutenons que l’emprisonnement pénal se compose universellement d’au moins quatre ingrédients : l’enfermement, l’infraction, le tribunal et la réprobation. Nous expliquons en quo…Read more
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    This book advances a new interpretation of Hart's penal philosophy. Positioning itself in opposition to current interpretations, the book argues that Hart does not defend a mixed theory of punishment, nor a rule-utilitarian theory of punishment, nor a liberal form of utilitarianism, nor a goal and constraint approach. Rather, it is argued, his penal philosophy is based on his moral pluralism, which comprises two aspects: value pluralism and pluralism with respect to forms of moral reason. It is …Read more
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    Éthique, droit pénal et déterminisme chez Twardowski
    Philosophia Scientiae 26 173-194. 2022.
    Cet article porte sur le déterminisme compatibiliste de Kazimierz Twardowski. Dans un premier temps, j’explique ce qu’est le déterminisme selon Twardowski et pourquoi il s’agit d’après lui d’une position plus probable que l’indéterminisme. Dans un deuxième temps, je présente son analyse du concept d’imputation [poczytywanie] – très proche de ce qu’on appelle en philosophie pénale la character theory of excuses – qui lui permet de concilier déterminisme et imputation. Cette analyse pose qu’un act…Read more
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    H.L.A. Hart et J. Glover: un point de vue utilitariste contre la peine de mort
    Canadian Journal of Bioethics/Revue canadienne de bioéthique 2 (1): 47-56. 2019.
    In this article, I return to the origins of J. Glover’s chapter on the death penalty in Causing Death and Saving Lives, that is, a 1957 article by Hart, “Murder and the Principles of Punishment: England and the United States.” In this article, Hart defends, like Glover, the abolition of the death penalty by relying on a utilitarian strategy consisting in, inter alia, reversing the burden of proof: as long as we do not have the proof that the death sentence can save more lives than prison, we wil…Read more
  •  9
    H.L.A. Hart et J. Glover : un point de vue utilitariste contre la peine de mort
    Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 2 (1): 47-56. 2019.
    In this article, I return to the origins of J. Glover’s chapter on the death penalty in Causing Death and Saving Lives, that is, a 1957 article by Hart, “Murder and the Principles of Punishment: England and the United States.” In this article, Hart defends, like Glover, the abolition of the death penalty by relying on a utilitarian strategy consisting in, inter alia, reversing the burden of proof: as long as we do not have the proof that the death sentence can save more lives than prison, we wil…Read more