•  34
    Educating in the Seventh Fire: Debwewin, Mino‐bimaadiziwin, and Ecological Justice
    with Marc Kruse and Robert Hamilton
    Educational Theory 69 (5): 587-601. 2019.
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    Is Comprehensive Liberal Social Justice Education Brainwashing?
    with Tomas Rocha and Marc Krus
    Philosophy of Education 77 (2): 44. 2021.
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    Is Inquiry Learning Unjust? Cognitive Load Theory and the Democratic Ends of Education
    Journal of Philosophy of Education 54 (5): 1167-1185. 2020.
    Journal of Philosophy of Education, EarlyView.
  •  16
    Toward an ethics of professional understanding
    with Carly Scramstad and Marc Kruse
    Ethics and Education 11 (1): 5-16. 2016.
    In this paper, we advance a novel conception of normative ethics and draw out its implications within the domain of professional ethics. We argue that all moral agents, and thus professionals, share a fundamental and constitutive normative interest in correctly conceiving of their ends. All professionals, we claim, by virtue of their positions of social power, have special role responsibilities in cultivating and sustaining societies oriented by this shared ideal of practically oriented ethical …Read more
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    In Community of Inquiry with Ann Margaret Sharp
    Philosophical Inquiry in Education 26 (2). 2019.
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    Is Deweyan Growth Egalitarian?
    Philosophy of Education 74 333-345. 2018.