•  804
    Proof-Theoretic Semantics for Subsentential Phrases
    with Roy Dyckhoff and Gilad Ben-Avi
    Studia Logica 94 (3): 381-401. 2010.
    The paper briefly surveys the sentential proof-theoretic semantics for fragment of English. Then, appealing to a version of Frege’s context-principle (specified to fit type-logical grammar), a method is presented for deriving proof-theoretic meanings for sub-sentential phrases, down to lexical units (words). The sentential meaning is decomposed according to the function-argument structure as determined by the type-logical grammar. In doing so, the paper presents a novel proof-theoretic interpret…Read more
  •  421
    A Note on Harmony
    with Roy Dyckhoff
    Journal of Philosophical Logic 41 (3): 613-628. 2012.
    In the proof-theoretic semantics approach to meaning, harmony , requiring a balance between introduction-rules (I-rules) and elimination rules (E-rules) within a meaning conferring natural-deduction proof-system, is a central notion. In this paper, we consider two notions of harmony that were proposed in the literature: 1. GE-harmony , requiring a certain form of the E-rules, given the form of the I-rules. 2. Local intrinsic harmony : imposes the existence of certain transformations of derivatio…Read more
  •  200
    Proof-theoretic semantics for a natural language fragment
    with Roy Dyckhoff
    Linguistics and Philosophy 33 (6): 447-477. 2010.
    The paper presents a proof-theoretic semantics (PTS) for a fragment of natural language, providing an alternative to the traditional model-theoretic (Montagovian) semantics (MTS), whereby meanings are truth-condition (in arbitrary models). Instead, meanings are taken as derivability-conditions in a dedicated natural-deduction (ND) proof-system. This semantics is effective (algorithmically decidable), adhering to the meaning as use paradigm, not suffering from several of the criticisms formulated…Read more
  •  107
    Unification grammars and off-line parsability
    with Efrat Jaeger and Shuly Wintner
    Journal of Logic, Language and Information 14 (2): 199-234. 2005.
    Unification grammars are known to be Turing-equivalent; given a grammar G and a word w, it is undecidable whether w L(G). In order to ensure decidability, several constraints on grammars, commonly known as off-line parsability (OLP), were suggested, such that the recognition problem is decidable for grammars which satisfy OLP. An open question is whether it is decidable if a given grammar satisfies OLP. In this paper we investigate various definitions of OLP and discuss their interrelations, pro…Read more
  •  83
    Bilateralism in Proof-Theoretic Semantics
    Journal of Philosophical Logic (2-3): 1-21. 2013.
    The paper suggests a revision of the notion of harmony, a major necessary condition in proof-theoretic semantics for a natural-deduction proof-system to qualify as meaning conferring, when moving to a bilateral proof-system. The latter considers both forces of assertion and denial as primitive, and is applied here to positive logics, lacking negation altogether. It is suggested that in addition to the balance between (positive) introduction and elimination rules traditionally imposed by harmony,…Read more
  •  80
    A 'natural logic' inference system using the Lambek calculus
    with Anna Zamansky and Yoad Winter
    Journal of Logic, Language and Information 15 (3): 273-295. 2006.
    This paper develops an inference system for natural language within the ‘Natural Logic’ paradigm as advocated by van Benthem, Sánchez and others. The system that we propose is based on the Lambek calculus and works directly on the Curry-Howard counterparts for syntactic representations of natural language, with no intermediate translation to logical formulae. The Lambek -based system we propose extends the system by Fyodorov et~al., which is based on the Ajdukiewicz/Bar-Hillel calculus Bar Hille…Read more
  •  76
    Proof-theoretic semantic values for logical operators
    with Gilad Ben-avi
    Review of Symbolic Logic 4 (3): 466-478. 2011.
    The paper proposes a semantic value for the logical constants (connectives and quantifiers) within the framework of proof-theoretic semantics, basic meaning on the introduction rules of a meaning conferring natural deduction proof system. The semantic value is defined based on Fregecontributions” to sentential meanings as determined by the function-argument structure as induced by a type-logical grammar. In doing so, the paper proposes a novel proof-theoretic interpretation of the semantic types…Read more
  •  74
    In this paper, we propose a game semantics for the (associative) Lambek calculus . Compared to the implicational fragment of intuitionistic propositional calculus, the semantics deals with two features of the logic: absence of structural rules, as well as directionality of implication. We investigate the impact of these variations of the logic on its game semantics.
  •  72
    Temporal prepositions and temporal generalized quantifiers
    with Ian Pratt
    Linguistics and Philosophy 24 (2): 187-222. 2001.
    In this paper, we show how the problem of accounting for the semanticsof temporal preposition phrases (tPPs) leads us to some surprisinginsights into the semantics of temporal expressions ingeneral. Specifically, we argue that a systematic treatment of EnglishtPPs is greatly facilitated if we endow our meaning assignments with context variables, a device which allows a tPP to restrict domainsof quantification arising elsewhere in a sentence. We observe that theuse of context variables implies th…Read more
  •  71
    The paper proposes a semantics for contextual (i.e., Temporal and Locative) Prepositional Phrases (CPPs) like during every meeting, in the garden, when Harry met Sally and where I’m calling from. The semantics is embodied in a multi-modal extension of Combinatory Categoral Grammar (CCG). The grammar allows the strictly monotonic compositional derivation of multiple correct interpretations for “stacked” or multiple CPPs, including interpretations whose scope relations are not what would be expect…Read more
  •  68
    A Logic Inspired by Natural Language: Quantifiers As Subnectors
    Journal of Philosophical Logic 43 (6): 1153-1172. 2014.
    Inspired by the grammar of natural language, the paper presents a variant of first-order logic, in which quantifiers are not sentential operators, but are used as subnectors . A quantified term formed by a subnector is an argument of a predicate. The logic is defined by means of a meaning-conferring natural-deduction proof-system, according to the proof-theoretic semantics program. The harmony of the I/E-rules is shown. The paper then presents a translation, called the Frege translation, from th…Read more
  •  67
    Plurality and temporal modification
    with Ron Artstein
    Linguistics and Philosophy 29 (3). 2006.
    A semantics with plural entitles and plural times accounts for cumulative relations between plural arguments and temporal expressions. The semantics equips nominal, verbal and sentential meanings with temporal context variables and treats temporal modifiers as temporal generalized quantifiers; cumulative conjunction, however, takes place at types lower than generalized quantifiers. The mediation of temporal context variables allows cumulative relations to percolate between an argument in a main …Read more
  •  64
    Bilattices and the semantics of natural language questions
    with R. Nelken
    Linguistics and Philosophy 25 (1): 37-64. 2002.
    In this paper we reexamine the question of whether questions areinherently intensional entities. We do so by proposing a novelextensional theory of questions, based on a re-interpretation of thedomain of t as a bilattice rather than the usual booleaninterpretation. We discuss the adequacy of our theory with respect tothe adequacy criteria imposed on the semantics of questionsby (Groenendijk and Stokhof 1997). We show that the theory is able to account in astraightforward manner for some complex …Read more
  •  62
    Harmony in Multiple-Conclusion Natural-Deduction
    Logica Universalis 8 (2): 215-259. 2014.
    The paper studies the extension of harmony and stability, major themes in proof-theoretic semantics, from single-conclusion natural-deduction systems to multiple -conclusions natural-deduction, independently of classical logic. An extension of the method of obtaining harmoniously-induced general elimination rules from given introduction rules is suggested, taking into account sub-structurality. Finally, the reductions and expansions of the multiple -conclusions natural-deduction representation o…Read more
  •  59
    E-Type Pronouns, I-Sums, and Donkey Anaphora
    with Shalom Lappin
    Linguistics and Philosophy 17 (4): 391-428. 1994.
  •  53
    Extending Free Pregroups with Lower Bounds
    with Tamar Aizikowitz, Daniel Genkin, and Michael Kaminski
    Studia Logica 95 (3): 417-441. 2010.
    In this paper, we propose an extension of free pregroups with lower bounds on sets of pregroup elements. Pregroup grammars based on such pregroups provide a kind of an algebraic counterpart to universal quantification over type-variables. In particular, we show how our pregroup extensions can be used for pregroup grammars expressing natural-language coordination and extraction.
  •  47
    Commutation-Augmented Pregroup Grammars and Mildly Context-Sensitive Languages
    with Michael Kaminski
    Studia Logica 87 (2-3): 295-321. 2007.
    The paper presents a generalization of pregroup, by which a freely-generated pregroup is augmented with a finite set of commuting inequations, allowing limited commutativity and cancelability. It is shown that grammars based on the commutation-augmented pregroups generate mildly context-sensitive languages. A version of Lambek’s switching lemma is established for these pregroups. Polynomial parsability and semilinearity are shown for languages generated by these grammars.
  •  42
    Relational Semantics of the Lambek Calculus Extended with Classical Propositional Logic
    with Michael Kaminski
    Studia Logica 102 (3): 479-497. 2014.
    We show that the relational semantics of the Lambek calculus, both nonassociative and associative, is also sound and complete for its extension with classical propositional logic. Then, using filtrations, we obtain the finite model property for the nonassociative Lambek calculus extended with classical propositional logic
  •  41
    Order-Based Inference in Natural Logic
    with Yaroslav Fyodorov and Yoad Winter
    Logic Journal of the IGPL 11 (4): 385-416. 2003.
    This paper develops a version of Natural Logic – an inference system that works directly on natural language syntactic representations, with no intermediate translation to logical formulae. Following work by Sánchez, we develop a small fragment that computes semantic order relations between derivation trees in Categorial Grammar. The proposed system has the following new characteristics: It uses orderings between derivation trees as purely syntactic units, derivable by a formal calculus. The sys…Read more
  •  40
    Proof-Theoretic Semantics for Natural Language
    Topoi 40 (1): 55-69. 2019.
    The paper has two parts: 1. A brief exposition of proof-theoretic semantics, not necessarily in connection to natural language. 2. A review, with a contrastive flavour, of some of the applications of PTS to NL with an indication of advantages of PTS as a theory of meaning for NL.
  •  38
    On Beall’s New Interpretation of $$WK_{3}$$ W K 3
    Journal of Logic, Language and Information 28 (1): 1-7. 2019.
    I argue that a recent philosophical interpretation by Jc Beall of the middle value of Weak Kleene logic as ‘being off-topic’ is untenable. My main claim is that “being off-topic” is a relation, not a property, and as such cannot serve as an interpretation of a truth-value.
  •  37
    Another plan for negation
    Australasian Journal of Logic 16 (5): 159-176. 2019.
    The paper presents a plan for negation, proposing a paradigm shift from the Australian plan for negation, leading to a family of contra-classical logics. The two main ideas are the following: Instead of shifting points of evaluation (in a frame), shift the evaluated formula. Introduce an incompatibility set for every atomic formula, extended to any compound formula, and impose the condition on valuations that a formula evaluates to true iff all the formulas in its incompatibility set evaluate to…Read more
  •  37
    Off-line parsability and the well-foundedness of subsumption
    with Shuly Wintner
    Journal of Logic, Language and Information 8 (1): 1-16. 1999.
    Typed feature structures are used extensively for the specification of linguistic information in many formalisms. The subsumption relation orders TFSs by their information content. We prove that subsumption of acyclic TFSs is well founded, whereas in the presence of cycles general TFS subsumption is not well founded. We show an application of this result for parsing, where the well-foundedness of subsumption is used to guarantee termination for grammars that are off-line parsable. We define a ne…Read more
  •  35
    Bilateralism, Trilateralism, Multilateralism and Poly-Sequents
    Journal of Philosophical Logic 48 (2): 245-262. 2019.
    The paper introduces the formula structure of poly-sequents, allowing the expression of poly-positions: positions with any number of stances, of which bilateralism and trilateralism are special cases. The paper also puts forward the view that s-coherence of such poly-positions can be defined inferentially, without appealing to their validity under interpretations of the object language.
  •  35
    The Lambek Calculus Extended with Intuitionistic Propositional Logic
    with Michael Kaminski
    Studia Logica 104 (5): 1051-1082. 2016.
    We present sound and complete semantics and a sequent calculus for the Lambek calculus extended with intuitionistic propositional logic.
  •  33
    The paper proposes an extension of the definition of a canonical proof, central to proof-theoretic semantics, to a definition of a canonical derivation from open assumptions. The impact of the extension on the definition of (reified) proof-theoretic meaning of logical constants is discussed. The extended definition also sheds light on a puzzle regarding the definition of local-completeness of a natural-deduction proof-system, underlying its harmony.
  •  33
    Calculi for Many-Valued Logics
    with Michael Kaminski
    Logica Universalis 15 (2): 193-226. 2021.
    We present a number of equivalent calculi for many-valued logics and prove soundness and strong completeness theorems. The calculi are obtained from the truth tables of the logic under consideration in a straightforward manner and there is a natural duality among these calculi. We also prove the cut elimination theorems for the sequent-like systems.
  •  31
    On harmony and permuting conversions
    Journal of Applied Logic 21 14-23. 2017.
    The paper exposes the relevance of permuting conversions (in natural-deduction systems) to the role of such systems in the theory of meaning known as proof-theoretic semantics, by relating permuting conversion to harmony, hitherto related to normalisation only. This is achieved by showing the connection of permuting conversion to the general notion of canonicity, once applied to arbitrary derivations from open assumption. In the course of exposing the relationship of permuting conversions to har…Read more
  •  30
    Bilateral relevant logic
    Review of Symbolic Logic 7 (2): 250-272. 2014.
  •  30
    A Poly-Connexive Logic
    Logic and Logical Philosophy 1. forthcoming.
    The paper introduces a variant of connexive logic in which connexivity is extended from the interaction of negation with implication to the interaction of negation also with conjunction and disjunction. The logic is presented by two deductively equivalent methods: an axiomatic one and a natural-deduction one. Both are shown to be complete for a four-valued model theory.