I am a physician (Dr.med. U Hamburg '91), epidemiologist (S.M., Harvard U '97), and philosopher (Ph.D., U Johannesburg, '19). I am interested in all things causation, in particular in phil of epidemiology and medicine. Other topics of interest are phil of mind and language. I have published extensively on perinatal brain damage causation and currently work on a third book on the metaphysics of causation and mechanism in medicine, epidemiology, and the biosciences. My previous books are "Causation in Population Health Informatics and Data Science" (with Ben Smart, Springer 2018) and "Etiological Explanations" (CRC Press, 2020).
Medford and Somerville, Massachusetts, United States of America
Areas of Specialization
Epistemology |
Philosophy of Medicine |
Philosophy of Computing and Information |
Areas of Interest
Epistemology |
Health and Illness |
Philosophy of Computing and Information |