To place a psychoanalyst in the fields of the unconscious is just like placing a medieval priest in the middle of a production factory. Capitalism is the relative limit of every society, schizophrenia is its absolute. These never stop penetrating and displacing each other at the same time they are once and again captured into representative units that stop them from keeping on their production. There’s no sublimation, nor transference, nor any other kind of libidinous detour so that desire can l…
Read moreTo place a psychoanalyst in the fields of the unconscious is just like placing a medieval priest in the middle of a production factory. Capitalism is the relative limit of every society, schizophrenia is its absolute. These never stop penetrating and displacing each other at the same time they are once and again captured into representative units that stop them from keeping on their production. There’s no sublimation, nor transference, nor any other kind of libidinous detour so that desire can load the social field; these two zones aren’t able to be separated, they’re not even two, they just work on. The important thing is that they work on.