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    Les opérations actuelles que mène Total en Afrique suivent un schéma ancien : l’exploitation, tournée vers les énergies fossiles, et la corruption des économies, des gouvernements, des sociétés et des environnements des pays en développement, le tout soutenu par la puissance étatique française. Emmanuel Macron rendit la chose tout à fait manifeste en 2021, lorsqu’il insista pour défendre le gaz possédé par Total au Mozambique (20 milliards de dollars) par une intervention militaire, menée par de…Read more
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    This contribution incorporates core lessons of capitalist crisis formation as explained in Volume III of Capital, but also recognises gaps in how crisis tendencies are explained—gaps filled by Rosa Luxemburg’s insistence on the articulation between capitalist and non-capitalist relations, and by David Harvey’s addition of space, time and ‘accumulation by dispossession’. Applied to South Africa, these concepts help to clarify the longer-term character of capitalist crisis and social resistance. T…Read more
  • The idea that the South African ruling elite has the political will to establish a “developmental state” project early in the 21st century is popular, but is not borne out by evidence thus far. Patrick Bond reviews new information about the neoliberal project’s failures, which range from macroeconomics to microdevelopment to pro-corporate megaprojects, and which are accompanied by a tokenistic welfare policy not designed to provide sufficient sustenance or entitlements to the society. The critiq…Read more