•  20
    Sloterdijk’s anthropotechnics
    with Andrea Rossi
    Angelaki 26 (1): 3-8. 2021.
    This essay attempts to interrogate the distinct character of Peter Sloterdijk’s declaration of the absolute imperative that concludes his work, You Must Change Your Life, by contextualizing it within the development of his notion of anthropotechnics. In particular, the essays examine the claim that his is a new and unprecedented form of the absolute imperative that is alone able to address, in an effective way, the contemporary global crises that are confronting us now. The first sections trace …Read more
  •  18
    Sloterdijk’s anthropotechnics
    with Andrea Rossi
    Angelaki 26 (1): 1-2. 2021.
    This essay attempts to interrogate the distinct character of Peter Sloterdijk’s declaration of the absolute imperative that concludes his work, You Must Change Your Life, by contextualizing it within the development of his notion of anthropotechnics. In particular, the essays examine the claim that his is a new and unprecedented form of the absolute imperative that is alone able to address, in an effective way, the contemporary global crises that are confronting us now. The first sections trace …Read more
  • The Approach of the Unpresentable: Postmodernity, the Sublime and the Language of the Lyric
    Dissertation, The University of Wisconsin - Madison. 1995.
    The Postmodern, in its sublime dimension, has become the central theme of a discussion concerning the essence of art. This discussion does not seek to determine what art is, but whether it remains possible in an era of aesthetic and technoscientific reason. My dissertation presents the thesis that the sublime interrupts the artistry of form, particularly in lyric poetry, and offers art to the impossible and undecidable space of a rebirth. ;Chapter One investigates the concept of the Postmodern i…Read more
  •  31
    The outside of phenomenology: Jean-Luc Nancy on world and sense
    South African Journal of Philosophy 32 (4): 339-347. 2013.
    In this essay, I examine Jean-Luc Nancy’s notion of the sense of the world in relation to the phenomenological investigation of the life-world in Husserl and the worldhood of the world in Heidegger. My aim is to address the reasons why Nancy stresses the need for a different thinking that goes beyond the phenomenological gesture in order to approach the sense of the world. What is at stake in this other gesture is the overcoming of the way in which phenomenology privileges seeing as the mode of …Read more
  •  84
    Evil and the Experience of Freedom: Nancy on Schelling and Heidegger
    Research in Phenomenology 39 (3): 374-400. 2009.
    This essay examines Jean-Luc Nancy's re-posing of the question of freedom in The Experience of Freedom in relation to three issues—what he calls the “thought of freedom,” the reality of evil, and the closure of metaphysics. All three elements that he discusses point directly to Heidegger's engagement with Friedrich Schelling's attempt to establish a system of freedom. My intervention into the discussion between these three thinkers will address several issues. The first part draws out the implic…Read more