605The Theologian's Doubts: Natural Philosophy and the Skeptical Games of GhazaliJournal of the History of Ideas 63 (1): 19-39. 2002.In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Theologian's Doubts:Natural Philosophy and the Skeptical Games of GhazālīLeor HaleviIn the history of skeptical thought, which normally leaps from the Pyrrhonists to the rediscovery of Sextus Empiricus in the sixteenth century, Abū Ḥāmid Muḥammad al-Ghazālī (1058-1111) figures as a medieval curiosity. Skeptical enough to merit passing acknowledgment, he has proven too baffling to be treated fully alongside pagan, atheist, or mate…Read more
386Debating Allison on Transcendental IdealismKantian Review 12 (2): 1-39. 2007.People talk about rats deserting a sinking ship, but they don't usually ask where the rats go. Perhaps this is only because the answer is so obvious: of course, most of the rats climb aboard the sounder ships, the ships that ride high in the water despite being laden with rich cargoes of cheese and grain and other things rats love, the ships that bring prosperity to ports like eighteenth-century Königsberg and firms such as Green & Motherby. By making the insulting comparison - as I am in the co…Read more
359Kant's theory of imagination: bridging gaps in judgement and experienceOxford University Press. 1994.This book departs from much of the scholarship on Kant by demonstrating the centrality of imagination to Kant's philosophy as a whole. In Kant's works, human experience is simultaneously passive and active, thought and sensed, free and unfree: these dualisms are often thought of as unfortunate byproducts of his system. Gibbons, however, shows that imagination performs a vital function in "bridging gaps" between the different elements of cognition and experience. Thus, the role imagination plays …Read more
341Disinterestedness and desire in Kant's aestheticsJournal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 36 (4): 449-460. 1978.
304Kant and the Claims of TasteCambridge University Press. 1979.Kant and the Claims of Taste, published here for the first time in paperback in a revised version, has become, since its initial publication in 1979, the standard commentary on Kant's aesthetic theory. The book offers a detailed account of Kant's views on judgments of taste, aesthetic pleasure, imagination and many other topics. For this new edition, Paul Guyer has provided a new foreword and has added a chapter on Kant's conception of fine art. This re-issue will complement the author's compani…Read more
276Schopenhauer, Kant and CompassionKantian Review 17 (3): 403-429. 2012.Schopenhauer presents his moral philosophy as diametrically opposed to that of Kant: for him, pure practical reason is an illusion and morality can arise only from the feeling of compassion, while for Kant it cannot be based on such a feeling and can be based only on pure practical reason. But the difference is not as great as Schopenhauer makes it seem, because for him compassion is supposed to arise from metaphysical insight into the unity of all being, thus from pure if theoretical reason, wh…Read more
269Thomson's problems with Kant: A comment on "Kant's problems with ugliness"Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 50 (4): 317-319. 1992.
260Kant on the theory and practice of autonomySocial Philosophy and Policy 20 (2): 70-98. 2003.We all know what Kant means by autonomy: “the property of the will by which it is a law to itself ” , or, since any law must be universal, the condition of an agent who is “subject only to laws given by himself but still universal” . Or do we know what Kant means by autonomy? There are a number of questions here. First, Kant's initial definition of autonomy itself raises the question of why the property of the will being a law to itself should be equivalent to its independence from any property …Read more
252Kant and the Experience of Freedom: Essays on Aesthetics and MoralityCambridge University Press. 1993.This collection of essays by one of the preeminent Kant scholars of our time transforms our understanding of both Kant's aesthetics and his ethics. Guyer shows that at the very core of Kant's aesthetic theory, disinterestedness of taste becomes an experience of freedom and thus an essential accompaniment to morality itself. At the same time he reveals how Kant's moral theory includes a distinctive place for the cultivation of both general moral sentiments and particular attachments on the basis …Read more
250The Derivation of the Categorical ImperativeThe Harvard Review of Philosophy 10 (1): 64-80. 2002.
226Critique of the Power of Judgment (edited book)Cambridge University Press. 2000.The Critique of the Power of Judgment is the third of Kant's great critiques following the Critique of Pure Reason and the Critique of Practical Reason. This translation of Kant's masterpiece follows the principles and high standards of all other volumes in The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Immanuel Kant. This volume, first published in 2000, includes: the indispensable first draft of Kant's introduction to the work; an English edition notes to the many differences between the first and seco…Read more
224Kantowskie dedukcje pryncypiów prawaHybris. Internetowy Magazyn Filozoficzny 34 171-228. 2016.Translation of Paul Guyer's "Kant’s Deductions of the Principles of Right"
222Critique of the Power of JudgmentPhilosophical Review 111 (3): 429. 2002.This new translation is an extremely welcome addition to the continuing Cambridge Edition of Kant’s works. English-speaking readers of the third Critique have long been hampered by the lack of an adequate translation of this important and difficult work. James Creed Meredith’s much-reprinted translation has charm and elegance, but it is often too loose to be useful for scholarly purposes. Moreover it does not include the first version of Kant’s introduction, the so-called “First Introduction,” w…Read more
203Kant and the Ends of AestheticsMind 111 (442): 363-366. 2002."The importance and significance of Kant's aesthetics have been widely debated. This work presents an original interpretation of Kant's account which is based on rethinking the nature of Critical Philosophy. Gary Banham presents the argument that the Critique of Judgment needs to be read as a whole. Aesthetics is investigated in relation to all three critiques with the recovery of a larger sense of the 'aesthetic' resulting. This broader notion of aesthetics is connected to the recovery of the c…Read more
190The Unity of ReasonThe Monist 72 (2): 139-167. 1989.Understanding provides one form of unity in our experience—let us say, at least for the sake of illustration, that form of unity constituted by the capacity to assign any given experiences a uniquely determined place relative to any other given experiences in the ideal chronology of our experience as a whole. But the unity of experience does not, as Kant sees things, exhaust the forms of unity among our representations which we must seek. In addition to the unity of experience sought by understa…Read more
188Kant's Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals: Critical Essays (edited book)Rowman & Littlefield. 1997.This collection of essays, the first of its kind in nearly thirty years, introduces the reader to some of the most important studies of the book from the past ...
182Kant on common sense and scepticismKantian Review 7 1-37. 2003.Is the refutation of scepticism a central objective for Kant? Some commentators have denied that the refutation of either theoretical or moral scepticism was central to Kant's concerns. Thus, in his recent book Kant and the Fate of Autonomy, Karl Ameriks rejects 'taking Kant to be basically a respondent to the skeptic'. According to Ameriks, who here has Kant's theoretical philosophy in mind,What Kant goes on to propose is that, instead of focusing on trying to establish with certainty – against…Read more
181Free and adherent beauty: A modest proposalBritish Journal of Aesthetics 42 (4): 357-366. 2002.
180Beauty, sublimity, and expression: Reply to Wicks and CantrickJournal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 53 (2): 194-195. 1995.
174Back to truth: Knowledge and pleasure in the aesthetics of SchopenhauerEuropean Journal of Philosophy 16 (2): 164-178. 2008.No Abstract
173Kant on Apperception and "A Priori" SynthesisAmerican Philosophical Quarterly 17 (3): 205-212. 1980.
167Kant and the Claims of KnowledgeCambridge University Press. 1987.This book offers a radically new account of the development and structure of the central arguments of Kant's Critique of Pure Reason: the defense of the objective validity of such categories as substance, causation, and independent existence. Paul Guyer makes far more extensive use than any other commentator of historical materials from the years leading up to the publication of the Critique and surrounding its revision, and he shows that the work which has come down to us is the result of some …Read more
166Kant and the Philosophy of ArchitectureJournal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 69 (1): 7-19. 2011.
164Reasons and Feelings in Kantian MoralityKant and the Experience of FreedomPhilosophy and Phenomenological Research 55 (2): 369. 1995.
161The Psychology Of Kant’s AestheticsStudies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 39 (4): 483-494. 2008.Contrary to both his own intentions and the views of both older and more recent commentators, I argue that Kant’s aesthetics remains within the confines of eighteenth-century aesthetics as a branch of empirical psychology, as it was then practiced. Kant established a plausible connection between aesthetic experience and judgment on the one hand and cognition in general on the other, through his explanatory concept of the free play of our cognitive powers. However, there is nothing distinctly ‘a …Read more
159Kant's Distinction Between the Sublime and the BeautifulReview of Metaphysics 35 (4): 753-783. 1982.
155The Harmony of the Faculties in Recent Books on the Critique of the Power of JudgmentJournal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 67 (2): 201-221. 2009.When I began working on my dissertation on Kant’s aesthetic theory in 1971, I was able to read virtually all of the extant literature on the Critique of Judgment in English, German, andFrench going back to Hermann Cohen’s Kants Begr¨undung der A¨ sthetik of 1889, while also reading most of what I wanted to read of eighteenth-century British and German aesthetics before Kant—not because I had paid my dues to Evelyn Wood, but just because there was not all that much to read.1 I pity the graduate s…Read more
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