• Logica Yearbook (edited book)
    with Tomas Lavicka
    College Publications. 2017.
  •  27
    Catch Me If You Can – Wittgenstein on the Ineffability of Logical Form
    Logic and Logical Philosophy 1-15. forthcoming.
    Logical form and logical analysis as the search for it have been introduced during the development of logic and analytical philosophy and are still widely considered as key tools or methods for the solution of philosophical puzzles. It is instructive to have a look at a criticism of these presupositions and I present Wittgenstein as the author who provides such a criticism. I present a development of his view of logical form which went from the thesis of the ineffability of logical form to the d…Read more
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    As the foundation of our rationality, logic has traditionally been considered fixed, stable and constant. This conception of the discipline has been challenged recently by the plurality of logics and in this book, Pavel Arazim extends the debate to offer a new view of logic as dynamic and without a definite, specific shape. The Problem of Plurality of Logics examines the origins of our standard view of logic alongside Kant's theories, the holistic view, the issue of logic's pragmatic significanc…Read more
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    Henri Bergson a analytická filosofie
    Filosofie Dnes 11 (1). 2019.
    Henri Bergson se za svého života těšil velké popularitě. Přes jistý ústup ze slávy jeho filosofie i v druhé polovině dvacátého století inspirovala např. Gillese Deleuze. Nicméně analytická filosofie Bergsonovi dosud mnoho pozornosti nevěnovala. Ačkoli na první pohled skutečně s analytickou filosofií nemá mnoho společného, najdeme v jeho díle některé myšlenky, které by si zasloužily, aby je analytická filosofie zhodnotila. Zaměříme se na Bergsonovo pojetí špatně položených otázek, které je v mnoh…Read more
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    Identity of Dynamic Meanings
    Croatian Journal of Philosophy 22 (1): 69-90. 2022.
    Inferentialism has brought important insights into the nature of meanings. It breaks with the representationalist tradition that sees meanings as constituted primarily by representing some extra-linguistic reality. Yet the break with tradition should be pursued further. Inferentialists still regard meanings as static, and they still do not entirely abandon the idea of fully determined meaning. Following Davidon’s ideas about meanings as constituted only in the course of a specific conversation, …Read more
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    Identity of Dynamic Meanings
    Croatian Journal of Philosophy 22 (64): 69-90. 2022.
    Inferentialism has brought important insights into the nature of meanings. It breaks with the representationalist tradition that sees meanings as constituted primarily by representing some extra-linguistic reality. Yet the break with tradition should be pursued further. Inferentialists still regard meanings as static, and they still do not entirely abandon the idea of fully determined meaning. Following Davidon’s ideas about meanings as constituted only in the course of a specific conversation, …Read more
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    Beyond Logical Pluralism and Logical Monism
    Logica Universalis 14 (2): 151-174. 2020.
    Logical pluralism as a thesis that more than one logic is correct seems very plausible for two basic reasons. First, there are so many logical systems on the market today. And it is unclear how we should decide which of them gets the logical rules right. On the other hand, logical monism as the opposite thesis still seems plausible, as well, because of normativity of logic. An approach which would manage to bring a synthesis of both logical pluralism and logical monism is called for. I review th…Read more
  • The Logica Yearbook 2016 (edited book)
    with Tomáš Lávička
    College Publications. 2017.
  •  26
    Logický pluralismus v historické perspektivě
    Dissertation, Charles University. 2018.
    Logical pluralism from historical perspective -The plurality of logics is understood as a challenge to seek a deeper understanding of the na- ture and import of logic. Two basic approaches to demarcation of logic are considered, the model-theoretic and the proof-theoretic one. Investigation of the history which led to these two appraoches identifies the postion of logic in Kant's epistemology as crucial for the devel- opment. An analogical development from Kant's conception of geometry to the pl…Read more
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    The Logica Yearbook 2017 (edited book)
    with Tomas Lavicka
    College Publications. 2018.
    This volume of the Logica Yearbook series brings together articles presented at the annual international symposium Logica 2017, Hejnice, the Czech Republic. The articles range over mathematical and philosophical logic, history and philosophy of logic, and the analysis of natural language.
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    The Logica Yearbook 2015 (edited book)
    with Michal Dancak
    College Publications. 2016.
    This volume of the Logica Yearbook series brings together articles presented at the annual international symposium Logica 2015, Hejnice, the Czech Republic. The articles range over mathematical and philosophical logic, history and philosophy of logic, and the analysis of natural language.
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    The Logica Yearbook 2014 (edited book)
    with Michal Dancak
    College Publications. 2015.
  • Logica Yearbook 2014 (edited book)
    with Michal Dancak
    College Publications. 2015.
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    Expressivist Perspective on Logicality
    Logica Universalis 11 (4): 409-419. 2017.
    Various attempts at demarcating logic were undertaken, many of them based on specific understanding of how logical knowledge is formal and not material. MacFarlane has persuasively shown that general idea of formality of logic can be understood in various ways. I take two of the accounts of formality, namely the requirement of conservativity and the requirement of schematicity of logical vocabulary, into consideration as promising candidates to make the all too unclear notion of formality more p…Read more