411The Future of AI: Stanisław Lem’s Philosophical Visions for AI and Cyber-Societies in CyberiadPro-Fil 22 (3): 39-53. 2021.Looking into the future is always a risky endeavour, but one way to anticipate the possible future shape of AI-driven societies is to examine the visionary works of some sci-fi writers. Not all sci-fi works have such visionary quality, of course, but some of Stanisław Lem’s works certainly do. We refer here to Lem’s works that explore the frontiers of science and technology and those that describe imaginary societies of robots. We therefore examine Lem’s prose, with a focus on the Cyberiad stori…Read more
400Mathematics and metaphysics: The history of the Polish philosophy of mathematics from the Romantic eraPhilosophical Problems in Science (Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce) 71 45-74. 2021.The Polish philosophy of mathematics in the 19th century is not a well-researched topic. For this period, only five philosophers are usually mentioned, namely Jan Śniadecki, Józef Maria Hoene-Wroński, Henryk Struve, Samuel Dickstein, and Edward Stamm. This limited and incomplete perspective does not allow us to develop a well-balanced picture of the Polish philosophy of mathematics and gauge its influence on 19th- and 20th-century Polish philosophy in general. To somewhat complete our picture of…Read more
380Filozofia na styku nauki i techniki [recenzja] (review)Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 34 (50): 171--175. 2012.Recenzja książki: Val Dusek, Wprowadzenie do filozofii techniki, tł. Zbigniew Kasprzyk, ser. „Myśl Filozoficzna: wprowadzenia, panorama zagadnień, historia myśli filozoficznej”, Wydawnictwo WAM, Kraków 2011, ss. 268.
347Stanisław Lem’s Visions of a Technological Future: Toward Philosophy in TechnologyFilozofia i Nauka. Studia Filozoficzne I Interdyscyplinarne 1 (10): 41-50. 2022.Stanisław Lem is mostly known as a sci-fi writer and not widely perceived as a visionary of the cyber age, despite the fact that he foresaw the future of information technology better than most scientific experts. Indeed, his visions of future information-based societies have proved to be remarkably accurate. Lem’s stories fuse together elements of fantasy, philosophy, and science, but what we can really learn from them is the nature of humanity, technology, and philosophy, as well as the values…Read more
329The Paradigm Shift in the 19th-century Polish Philosophy of MathematicsStudia Historiae Scientiarum 21 217-235. 2022.The Polish philosophy of mathematics in the 19th century had its origins in the Romantic period under the influence of the then-predominant idealist philosophies. The decline of Romantic philosophy precipitated changes in general philosophy, but what is less well known is how it triggered changes in the philosophy of mathematics. In this paper, we discuss how the Polish philosophy of mathematics evolved from the metaphysical approach that had been formed during the Romantic era to the more moder…Read more
327The Internet as an Epistemic Agent (EA)Információs Társadalom 22 (2): 39-56. 2022.We argue that the Internet is, and is acting as, an EA because it shapes our belief systems, our worldviews. We explain key concepts for this discussion and provide illustrative examples to support our claims. Furthermore, we explain why recognising the Internet as an EA is important for Internet users and society in general. We discuss several ways in which the Internet influences the choices, beliefs, and attitudes of its users, and we compare this effect with those of psychological conditioni…Read more
298Czas naukiZagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 36 151--154. 2005.Recenzja książki: Andrzej Pelczar, Czas i dynamika. O czasie w równaniach różniczkowych i układach dynamicznych, OBI--Kraków, Biblos-Tarnów 2003, ss. 117.
266Modelowanie komputerowe w filozofii – uwagi metodologiczneFilozofia i Nauka. Studia Filozoficzne I Interdyscyplinarne 1 (8): 203-212. 2020.Modelowanie komputerowe odgrywa istotną rolę we współczesnej nauce. Epistemologiczna rola, jaką odgrywają takie modele oraz prowadzone na ich bazie symulacje skłaniają do postawienia pytań o możliwe użycie podobnych metod w filozofii. Pomysły wykorzystania narzędzi matematycznych do sformułowania koncepcji filozoficznych sięgają czasów Barucha Spinozy i Isaaca Newtona. Newtonowska filozofia przyrody stała się przykładem udanego zastosowania matematycznych rozważań do opisu przyrody na poziomie f…Read more
247Current perspectives on the development of the philosophy of informaticsPhilosophical Problems in Science 63 77-100. 2017.This article is an overview of the philosophy of informatics with a special regard to some Polish philosophers. It juxtaposes the informationistic worldview with the long-prevailing mechanical conceptualization of nature before introducing the metaphysical perspective of the information revolution in sciences. The article shows also how ontic pancomputationalism – regarded as an update to structural realism – could enrich the philosophical research in some classical topics. The paper concludes w…Read more
222U źródeł krakowskiej filozofii przyrodyStudia Z Filozofii Polskiej 6 135-153. 2011.The paper analyses not well known beginning of Cracow philosophy of nature originating from the 19th century. A selected number of issues formed by two founders of Cracow philosophical centre – W. Heinrich and M. Straszewski are presented. Finally, the author tries to refl ect on modern nature philosophy in the context of its relations with tradition lasting over the centuries.
198Spojrzenia w kierunku matematyki [recenzja] (review)Philosophical Problems in Science (Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce) 34 140--144. 2004.
91Z działalności OBI. Sprawozdanie za rok 2004Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 36. 2005.Sprawozdanie z działalności OBI: VIII Krakowska Konferencja Metodologiczna, Sympozjum w Pasierbcu, Festiwal Nauki, Działalność wydawnicza, OBI w Internecie
46The Theory of Relativity and Theology: The Neo-Thomist Science–Theology Separation vs. Michael Heller’s Path to DialogueTheology and Science. forthcoming.Attempts to establish a dialogue between the natural sciences and theology were made in the 20th century along with, among other things, the arrival of new groundbreaking theories in physics, but these attempts met with many content-related and methodological challenges. Philosophy, which plays an essential role as an intermediary in this relationship, has often proven to be a significant obstacle. The failure of neo-Thomism’s reception to Einstein’s theory in Poland led the Polish cosmologist, p…Read more
41Refleksja nad rozwojem matematyki [recenzja] (review)Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 30 157--160. 2002.
36Philosophy in science: A name with a long intellectual traditionPhilosophical Problems in Science 66 251-270. 2019.This paper presents Michael Heller’s notion of “philosophy in science” and re-introduces Michael Heller’s classical text that first presented this concept of philosophy entitled How is “philosophy in science” possible?. The paper discusses the historical context of Heller’s idea as it emerged from the discussions and works of the Krakow philosophical scene and discusses the basic tenants of this philosophy, its analytic character, the role of intellectual tradition in the development of this phi…Read more
33Computing as Empirical Science- Evolution as a ConceptStudies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 48 (1): 49-69. 2016.This article presents the evolution of philosophical and methodological considerations concerning empiricism in computer/computing science. In this study, we trace the most important current events in the history of reflection on computing. The forerunners of Artificial Intelligence H.A. Simon and A. Newell in their paper Computer Science As Empirical Inquiry started these considerations. Later the concept of empirical computer science was developed by S.S. Shapiro, P. Wegner, A.H. Eden and P.J.…Read more
31The meta-ontology of AI systems with human-level intelligenceZagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 73 197-230. 2022.In this paper, we examine the meta-ontology of AI systems with human-level intelligence, with us denoting such AI systems as AI E. Meta-ontology in philosophy is a discourse centered on ontology, ontological commitment, and the truth condition of ontological theories. We therefore discuss how meta-ontology is conceptualized for AI E systems. We posit that the meta-ontology of AI E systems is not concerned with computational representations of reality in the form of structures, data constructs, o…Read more
28Phronetic Ethics in Social Robotics: A New Approach to Building Ethical RobotsStudies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 63 (1): 165-183. 2020.Social robotics are autonomous robots or Artificial Moral Agents (AMA), that will interact respect and embody human ethical values. However, the conceptual and practical problems of building such systems have not yet been resolved, playing a role of significant challenge for computational modeling. It seems that the lack of success in constructing robots, ceteris paribus, is due to the conceptual and algorithmic limitations of the current design of ethical robots. This paper proposes a new appro…Read more
28Why is Popper's critical method fascinating? (review)Philosophical Problems in Science 71 211-216. 2021.This review article presents an important, newly published study of Popper's critical method by Zbigniew Liana. The review emphasizes the very high level of the study, points to its originality, and explains why the book is recommended mainly to specialists of Popper's thought. It is also explained how the book manages to contain so many original and valuable analyses in a small volume.
23Filozofia informatyki – młoda dyscyplina z długą historiąZagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 61 221-226. 2016.In this publication R. Murawski's anthology of philosophy of computing was reviewed. This review shows that this branch of philosophy is considered as quite new, but it has a long history. Murawski's book is a very good introduction to philosophy of computing - both for IT professionals and students of philosophy.
20Why is neuron modeling of particular philosophical interest?Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 73 347-356. 2022.This review article discusses Andrzej Bielecki’s book _Models of Neurons and Perceptrons: Selected Problems and Challenges_, as published by Springer International Publishing. This work exemplifies “philosophy in science” by adopting a broad, multidisciplinary perspective for the issues related to the simulation of neurons and neural networks, and the author has addressed many of the important philosophical assumptions that are entangled in this area of modeling. Bielecki also raises several imp…Read more
15Marian Smoluchowski's manuscripts - important source for philosophy in sciencePhilosophical Problems in Science 62 141-169. 2017.The aim of tis article is to present the selected Marian Smoluchowski's manuscripts to be published in this volume. At the beginning, a history and current state of research of his manusript legacy was showed. Next there were characterized a philosophical significance of his unpublished manuscripts and a short analysis of the manuscripts published in this volume. At the end of the article the details about the current edition of Smoluchowski's manuscripts were described.
14Nauka w oczach erudytówPhilosophical Problems in Science 66 305-309. 2019.Book review: Adam Adamandy Kochański, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Korespondencja Adama Adamandego Kochańskiego i Gottfrieda Wilhelma Leibniza z lat 1670-1698, D. Sieńko, wyd. Muzeum Pałacu Króla Jana III w Wilanowie, Warszawa 2019, ss. 256.
14Beyond epistemic concepts of information: The case of ontological information as philosophy in scienceZagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 73 335-345. 2022.This review article discusses the book of Roman Krzanowski, _Ontological Information: Information in the Physical World_, which is published by World Scientific. Krzanowski’s book makes a very important contribution to the contemporary discussion about the nature of information. The author analyzes the concept of ontological information and its uses in the works of scientists from various disciplines, resulting in an innovative and inspiring analysis that every philosopher involved in the philos…Read more
14Komu ma służyć wznowienie monografii Barbary Skargi o pozytywizmie?Philosophical Problems in Science 62 309-313. 2017.Recenzja książki: B. Skarga, Ortodoksja i rewizja w pozytywizmie francuskim, M. Pańków, ser. Dzieła zebrane Barbary Skargi, t. 3, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN - Fundacja na Rzecz Myślenia im. Barbary Skargi, Warszawa 2016, ss. 496.
13Beyond Epistemic Concepts of InformationZagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 73 335-345. 2022.to be inserted afterr the proofreading] [to set pages range in rereference (Mścisławski, 2022) during typesetting?
13Filozofia informatyki – młoda dyscyplina z długą historiąPhilosophical Problems in Science 61 221-226. 2016.In this publication R. Murawski's anthology of philosophy of computing was reviewed. This review shows that this branch of philosophy is considered as quite new, but it has a long history. Murawski's book is a very good introduction to philosophy of computing - both for IT professionals and students of philosophy.
Paweł Polak
Pontifical University of John Paul II In Kraków
Pontifical University of John Paul II In KrakówProfessor
Pontifical University of John Paul II In Kraków
Alumnus, 2004
Areas of Specialization
Philosophy of Computing and Information |
General Philosophy of Science |
European Philosophy |