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    Nesta obra, Patrick J. Geary, professor emérito de História na Universidade da Califórnia, que dedicou a sua vida académica ao estudo da História Medieval, apresenta-nos as suas “reflexões sobre a relação entre os mitos dos povos europeus e as realidades do nacionalismo contemporâneo” (p. 7). A narrativa que Patrick J. Geary nos oferece tem um objectivo claro e assumido: desmontar os mitos nacionalistas e contribuir para a prevenção do seu reaparecimento e/ou fortalecimento. Esta obra acaba p...
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    Contrasting Classical and Machine Learning Approaches in the Estimation of Value-Added Scores in Large-Scale Educational Data
    with Jessica Levy, Dominic Mussack, Martin Brunner, Ulrich Keller, and Antoine Fischbach
    Frontiers in Psychology 11. 2020.
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    Procedural media possess traits that stand them apart from classical media, and lead them to foster a very peculiar set of relationships with their readers. Chief among these is how their procedural layer is discovered through a process of virtuosic interpretation, and how this allows for empathy and for the transference of their core mechanics from the computational system to the reader’s mind. This paper focuses on how this process is developed, and how these media conduce to the dissemination…Read more