Peter Hartl

Hungarian Academy of Sciences
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    This volume includes selected essays by invited contributors on the social philosophy and the philosophy of science of the Hungarian-British polymath Michael Polanyi. These essays cover topics in Polanyi’s social-political philosophy, as well as social themes in his epistemology and philosophy of science. Additionally, some essays focus on Polanyian themes in contemporary philosophy (including epistemology, philosophy of science, and science policy).
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    The book is arguably the first comprehensive collection of essays on Michael Polanyi’s social, political philosophy. The essays combine philosophical and historical approaches to show Polanyi’s social thought in the context of his epistemology and philosophy of science as well as the 20th century intellectual history. This volume appeals to specialists in Michael Polanyi’s philosophy, political philosophers who are interested in the 20th century political thought, mainly conservative-liberal pol…Read more
  • Science, freedom, democracy : introduction
    In Péter Hartl & Adam Tamas Tuboly (eds.), Science, Freedom, Democracy, Routledge. 2021.
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    Metatheories of disagreement: Introduction
    Metaphilosophy 52 (3-4): 337-347. 2021.
    This article introduces Metaphilosophy's special issue on metatheories of disagreement, with the aim of promoting discussion on the nature of disagreement on a metatheoretical level. The contributions to this issue cover the following key topics related to disagreement: faultless disagreement, metaontological disagreement, metalinguistic disagreement, responses to peer disagreement in philosophy, hinge epistemology and deep disagreement, disagreement asymmetry, factual and nonfactual disagreemen…Read more
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    Science, Freedom, Democracy (edited book)
    Routledge. 2021.
    This book addresses the complex relationship between the values of liberal democracy and the values associated with scientific research. The chapters explore how these values mutually reinforce or conflict with one another, in both historical and contemporary contexts. The contributors utilize various approaches to address this timely subject, including historical studies, philosophical analysis, and sociological case studies. The chapters cover a range of topics including academic freedom and a…Read more
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    Hume and the Art of Theological Lying
    Journal of Scottish Philosophy 18 (2): 193-211. 2020.
    This paper critically examines David Berman's theological lying interpretation of Hume and identifies two types of theological lying: the denial of atheism strategy and the pious Christian strategy. It is argued that neither reading successfully establishes an atheist interpretation of Hume. Moreover, circumstantial evidence shows that Hume's position was different from that of the atheists of his time. Attributions theological lying to Hume, therefore, are unwarranted and should be rejected, ev…Read more
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    This paper offers a detailed criticism of different versions of modal scepticism proposed by Van Inwagen and Hawke, and, against these views, attempts to vindicate our reliance on thought experiments in philosophy. More than one different meaning of “ modal scepticism” will be distinguished. Focusing mainly on Hawke’s more detailed view I argue that none of these versions of modal scepticism is compelling, since sceptical conclusions depend on an untenable and, perhaps, incoherent modal epistemo…Read more
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    U ovome radu istražujem Polanyijeve glavne argumente za akademsku slobodu. Akademska i politička sloboda međusobno su blisko povezane: ako država preuzme kontrolu nad znanošću, to dovodi do kolapsa same slobode u cijelome društvu. Njegovi argumenti protiv totalitarizma oslanjaju se na njegovu anti-pozitivističku filozofiju znanosti. On definira totalitarizam kao poricanje akademske slobode koje se temelji na pragmatičkom poimanju znanosti i instrumentalističkim interpretacijama moralnih vrijedno…Read more
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    Knowing Our Own Concepts: The Role of Intuitions in Philosophy
    Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 18 (4): 488-498. 2011.
    Empirical examinations about cross-cultural variability of intuitions, the well-known publication of Stich and his colleagues criticiz-ing thought-experiments and intuitions in philosophical debates, is still a challenge that faces analytical philosophers, as any systematic investigation of the methodology of philosophy must give answers to these basic questions: What is intuition? What role should intuitions play in philosophy? I present and examine the sceptical argument of experimental philos…Read more