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    an has been the concern of various philosophical schools of thought and can be said as the center of philosophical inquiry. However, not all of the concerns of philosophy points to defend man in his external and internal dimensions. In Karol Wojtyla’s philosophy of the Human Person, he interprets man as not being solely as a “rational animal.” He offers instead an understanding of man viewing his innerness as a person manifested not only by his existence, but more importantly through his actions…Read more
  • Enhancing further the Socratic dictum, Paul Ricoeur maintains that “an examined life is a life recounted”—a principle that interprets the human being with a detour to the text, narrative, work of art, and discourse. Ricoeur believes that any philosophical understanding of the self presupposes a “text.” Ricoeur’s notion of the capable human being, therefore, precisely took shape from this hermeneutical approach to philosophical anthropology. This paper aims to inquire into the complex itinerary o…Read more
  • an has been the concern of various philosophical schools of thought and can be said as the center of philosophical inquiry. However, not all of the concerns of philosophy points to defend man in his external and internal dimensions. In Karol Wojtyla’s philosophy of the Human Person, he interprets man as not being solely as a “rational animal.” He offers instead an understanding of man viewing his innerness as a person manifested not only by his existence, but more importantly through his actions…Read more