•  12
    The Conceptual Carvery
    The Philosophers' Magazine 22 51-51. 2003.
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    The Conceptual Carvery
    The Philosophers' Magazine 31 85-85. 2005.
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    The Conceptual Carvery
    The Philosophers' Magazine 28 86-86. 2004.
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    The Conceptual Carvery
    The Philosophers' Magazine 25 50-50. 2004.
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    The Conceptual Carvery
    The Philosophers' Magazine 25 50-50. 2004.
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    The Conceptual Carvery
    The Philosophers' Magazine 28 86-86. 2004.
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    Philosophy can be an extremely technical and complex affair, one whose terminology and procedures are often intimidating to the beginner and demanding even for the professional. Like that of surgery, the art of philosophy requires mastering a body of knowledge as well as acquiring precision and skill with a set of instruments or tools. The Philosopher's Toolkit may be thought of as a collection of just such tools. Unlike those of a surgeon or a master woodworker, however, the instruments present…Read more
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    This chapter argues that in addition to being a hilarious stoner comedy, one of the most beloved cult films of all time, and a trenchant genre critique of film noir detective cinema, as well as American Westerns, Ethan and Joel Coen’s film, The Big Lebowski (1998, TBL), also presents reflections on several important philosophical themes. First, as a matter of feminist and gender philosophy, TBL examines and criticizes prominent ideals of masculinity, especially as they appear in US cinema, explo…Read more
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    The second edition of this popular compendium provides the necessary intellectual equipment to engage with and participate in effective philosophical argument, reading, and reflection Features significantly revised, updated and expanded entries, and an entirely new section drawn from methods in the history of philosophy This edition has a broad, pluralistic approach--appealing to readers in both continental philosophy and the history of philosophy, as well as analytic philosophy Explains difficu…Read more
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    _The Ethics Toolkit_ provides an accessible and engaging compendium of concepts, theories, and strategies that encourage students and advanced readers to think critically about ethics so that they can engage intelligently in ethical study, thought, and debate. Written by the authors of the popular _The Philosophers’ Toolkit_ ; Baggini is also a renowned print and broadcast journalist, and a prolific author of popular philosophy books Uses clear and accessible language appropriate for use both in…Read more
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    We can think of the club not as a small business, but as a would‐be “anarchist‐syndicalist commune.” Anarcho‐syndicalism is a kind of anarchism based in labor unions, where workers take control of the economy not through a top‐down government bureaucracy but through revolutionary labor associations called “syndicates. The club resembles just such a syndicate: it's hierarchical, but, unlike capitalist enterprises, it is a democratically governed hierarchy. The state is essentially an instrument o…Read more
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    Sons of History
    In George A. Dunn & Jason T. Eberl (eds.), Sons of Anarchy and Philosophy, Wiley. 2013.
    The past is, indeed, so essential to the club that they might just as well be called the Sons of History. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel argues that history follows a rational course of development that begins with civilization's earliest and crudest forms of thinking but culminates in modern science and philosophy. Thinking develops and matures through a process Hegel calls “dialectic.” A dialectical process has often been described as one in which an initial “thesis” is set against an opposing …Read more
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    David Hume on God: selected works newly adapted for the modern reader (edited book)
    with David W. Purdie and David Hume
    Luath Press. 2019.
    David Hume's writings on history, politics and philosophy have shaped thought to this day. His bold scepticism ranged from common notions of the 'self' to criticism of standard theistic proofs. He insisted on grounding understandings of popular religious beliefs in human psychology rather than divine revelation, and he aimed to disentangle philosophy from religion in order to allow the former to pursue its own ends. In this book, Professors David W Purdie and Peter S Fosl decipher some of Hume's…Read more
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    Sextus, Montaigne, Hume: Pyrrhonizers by Brian Ribeiro
    Hume Studies 47 (2): 319-322. 2022.
    Brian Ribeiro’s slim volume presents a comparative study of three of the most important figures in the history of skepticism: Sextus Empiricus, Michel de Montaigne, and David Hume. Ribeiro’s rich text, like most of his work, is written in a colloquial, easy style that nearly masks the considerable erudition informing his thought. This text, in fact, gathers, synthesizes, and expands on the substantial work with which Ribeiro has been engaged for decades. Drawing from that precedent research, Rib…Read more
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    Hume's Scepticism: Pyrrhonian and Academic
    Edinburgh University Press. 2019.
    Peter S. Fosl offers a radical interpretation of Hume as a thoroughgoing sceptic on epistemological, metaphysical and doxastic grounds. He first contextualises Hume's thought in the sceptical tradition and goes on to interpret the conceptual apparatus of his work - including the Treatise, Enquiries, Essays, History, Dialogues and letters.
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    British Philosophers, 1800-2000
    with Philip Breed Dematteis and Leemon B. McHenry
    Bruccoli Clark Layman. 2002.
    In this volume of the Dictionary of Literary Biography, notable British philosophers from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries are represented, including thinkers from the traditions of empiricism, idealism, logical positivism, and analytical philosophy.
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    Skepticism in Hume's Politics and Histories
    Araucaria 20 (40). 2018.
    This essay argues that Hume's political and historical thought is well read as skeptical and skeptical in a way that roots it deeply in the Hellenistic traditions of both Pyrrhonian and Academical thought. It deploys skeptical instruments to undermine political rationalism as well as theologically and metaphysically political ideologies. Hume's is politics of opinion and appearance. It labors to oppose faction and enthusiasm and generate suspension, balance, tranquility, and moderation. Because …Read more
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    The Conceptual Carvery
    The Philosophers' Magazine 29 85-85. 2005.
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    This text presents a clear, subtle, and important contribution to the literature on skepticism by carefully articulating an account of its characteristics and its relation to common sense belief. The text also compares Hume’s thought with that of many twentieth century figures including Wittgenstein, Strawson, Mates, Unger, Fogelin, and Quine. Bohlin wishes both to defend and to attribute to Hume what he calls a “moderate skepticism.” In advancing his claims, Bohlin distinguishes between a numbe…Read more
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    Philosophy: The Classic Readings (edited book)
    with David E. Cooper
    Wiley-Blackwell. 2010.
    Philosophy: The Classic Readings is a collection of accessible readings from the history of philosophy specifically focused on metaphysics and epistemology. The philosophers include Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Locke, Hume, Russell and Princess Elisabeth of Bohemia.
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    Hume’s True Scepticism, written by Donald C. Ainslie
    International Journal for the Study of Skepticism 8 (4): 348-353. 2018.
    _ Source: _Page Count 6
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    The Conceptual Carvery
    The Philosophers' Magazine 24 56-56. 2003.