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    Non Conceptual Content And Observable, In Realism Debate
    Philosophical Inquiry 41 (4): 60-79. 2017.
    In this article, I try to present some effects of the acceptance of nonconceptual content of perception in the realism problem. After having enhancement as main the problem of discrimination observable - unobservable into the conflict of realism with the constructive empiricism, I criticize a particular aspect, that nonconceptual content of perception strengthens the realistic position. Arguing that, while the starting point of the realist position is the existence of entities of common sense, t…Read more
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    Philosophia kai epistēmes ston eikosto aiōna
    Panepistēmiakes Ekdoseis Krētēs. 2013.
    Tomos II. Koinōnikes epistēmes kai epistēmes tou anthrōpou: ho gallikos dromos tēs ennoias.